Symbol of Friendship

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C pov: I was dancing to rakita, rakita, song for her just to make her happy, keep her out of over thinking and her BP under control, she has only 8 more weeks to go, I have no idea how we passed all these weeks sure it was a night mare for both of us, when Adi asked me to take her to a safe place I thought I will take to my house in Bangalore, but fate had different scenario, Benzy my girlfriend and her father was waiting for us in my house when we both reached home, even without thinking straight I bluffed that she is Adi’s wife and came here for some personal work, since Benzy was not that close to Adi she didn’t suspect that much, I asked her to take rest in the guest room along with Benzy and we both men’s settled in my room, within few minutes, we heard benzy crying for help and running towards me, when we reached the guest room I saw her unconscious we rushed her to the nearby hospital, initially I thought of informing Adi about her situation but since it was his wedding I thought I will take care of her myself, after nearly 2 to 3 hours I was asked to come inside and was informed that she was 11 weeks pregnant and her blood results are showing variations, so they asked me to move her to nearby cloud 9 maternity hospital.

When I was busy helping her with the test taken, Benzy’s father rightfully filled in all the forms for us and added Adi’s name in the husband’s column, though it was first my mistake to tell them that she was Adi’s wife, because of my selfness and the fear for Benzy. But when the results came in the doctors admitted her in the hospital saying that her water level is more than the normal level and that she will miscarry if not been treated right away, and they handed over a bill for 2 lakhs immediately I swiped in my card and asked them to continue with the treatment, I stayed overnight looking after her and asked Benzy and her father to go home. Around 3 in the morning she went into an emergency situation the doctors had informed that she may miscarry at any moment due to her bloating issue and high level of water, so I called up Adi in a panic and explained the situation, even Adi was not aware that she was pregnant until he reached Bangalore hospital, luckily she survived that day, with at most care from the hospital we shifted her to my house, where we were waiting for a storm to hit us in form of Benzy’s father.

Benzy’s father was very upset with the sudden pregnancy information and he relaxed only after seeing Adi with her, but politely explained in a most indirect threatening way that we need to see a separate house for her to stay and that he will not encourage her staying with me when she is pregnant, though we argued a lot over this he didn’t budge over his stand, luckily the watchmen informed us that the third floor was vacant and it a fully furnished house, we didn’t think twice, we made the advance immediately and made her move into the house the very next day, all the while Adi was very pissed off that I made him her husband even to the landlord, poor Adi didn’t have a choice but to agree to this fake relationship for her safety, from that day onwards me and Benzy have been her guardian, we both took turns to take care of her and Benzy used to stay with her when ever she visit Bangalore and we accompany her to the hospital visits, Adi used to visit us monthly twice just to buy all the required things for her.

During our hospital visit today the doctors suspected a blood clot in her test and high blood pressure was giving more added trouble, as per doctors advice she needs complete rest for next 2 weeks and she must be kept free of her mind and in a happy atmosphere.

C: Shalu papa come da come inside, Benzy see who as come to see all of us.( Benzy was preparing soup for her in her kitchen )

S: ah ah Akka…. Akka …. Akka( I was shocked to seenmy sister with Chiti anna and she was heavily pregnant, I amost collapsed and Adi was holding me)

M: Shalu kutty, va da … Akka kitta va da. (I was not able to control  my sobs)

C: (I rushed to Malini’s aid and side hugged her) Ma! You know that crying and sobbing are band in this house, I want the baby to come smiling in this house. Remember what doctor said to you ?

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