Never let me go

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Shalini was pulled out from Adi's embrace and a tight slap landed on his face making him stand still like a rock before he could come to sense, Shalini was dragged away from him.

Who was it? Malini, her elder sister no!!! it was actually Arjun.

Arjun Pov: i asked Malini to leave early and pick up shalini from college since my work was dragging a bit, when i reached the ice cream shop the shop keeper informed that the sisters didn't turn up today, I started to panic, where could they possibly go both their phone went unanswered making my situation worse, it not that they have not gone out alone but I was not feeling secured for few days now especially after Adi entry into the sisters life, I left as if he is going to steal Malini and Shalini from me. Being all alone in this town they both have been my pillar of strength and my weakness, keeping a side to my wondering thoughts. I started to search near the beach area, that's when I could hear an old couple commenting about the romantic scene going on nearby. I walk pass the comment which they were discussing

Older couple 1: Why don't they take a room instead,

Older couple 2: U and your dirty mind I think that guy was just helping her.

Random boys: Bro just miss bro !!! that tall guy spoiled everything we could have got a nice glimpse of that short girl in her wet attire.

Random boy2 : Bro I was already ready with my camera but that tall guy spoiled everything, he covered her so well that we couldn't see anything damn, just missed it da.

The protective side of Arjun was running a race now and he was running as fast as he could to search for the sisters that's when he saw the scene which the by passer were talking about, it was Shalini in Adi's embrace, Adi was covering her bum and holding her tightly with their forehead joined, seeing this scene my blood boiled how could he even touch her like that in public I just lost my mind and rushed to them and pulled Shalini away from Adi, and my anger took over him and gave him a tight slap I was in a mood to burn him in that place itself but I need safeguard Shalini first so I just dragged her towards the way out of the beach, I could see Malini walking towards us with snacks.

M: Arjun!! wait what happened, why are you dragging Shalini like this where is Adi (i peeped out towards my left side to see Adi standing rooted near the water), and why are you so wet and wearing Adi coat Shalini I question continuously.

A: How many times I have to tell not to leave Shalini alone and that too with strangers.

M: Hey Arjun!! What's going on? Can you please tell me at least.

M(pov)A gang of guys approached us and started teasing Shalini for not showing her glimpse of her wet attire and how that tall guy itself enjoyed her fully by covering her, all the comments started to become filthy and dirty, few guys even went to some extend and asked Shalini to pose for their camera removing her coat, Suddenly Arjun loses his control and started to hit those guys, I was not able to understand what was going on I could see Shalini running back to Adi and here Arjun was flight with these guys very roughly that crowd started to gather around us.

S: Adi!!! i was just screaming loudly his name

S: Adi!!!

A (mv): My life line as just left me alone, she just left me and went with that guy I saw in her house, it's just barely few minutes but Im missing her warmth and her curdle, I could not move my body I left like everything is drifting away from me along with the sand underneath me, all i could see is her disappearing image and my life just stopped the minute she left me, I was losing my sense into a deep hell and my brain started to cloud into darkness, that when I hear my angels voicing me out of the hell I ' m slipping into .

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