Soul Searching

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Warning: 16+ content ahead.

Both the poor souls where disturbed due to the distance, its been more than 3 days they haven't spoken to each other or even had a glance, As the saying goes distance brings us together

A(pov): I cant call Malini this time and ask for her, but I can call her mom and enquire about uncle and other in that way I can able to speak to her but I need to wait till morning, and this time is not moving at all as if the time is just stuck with me, all I need now is just to hear her voice if possible just to have a glance at her, that will do for now it was around 8 o' clock in the morning and I was already ready to go to Shalini's house to see her making an excuse for his dad.

A: ( standing in front of Shalini's house) Adi today somehow u need to speak to Shalini and convince her that you will take her to college so that you will get time to revive between us.

B: Hey Adi!!! Come in pa

A: Hello aunty how are you? just came to see uncle, how is he now?

B: All good Adi thanks, he is sleeping, come sit I will get you breakfast.

A: Illa aunty I m good, I will have water alone, where the sisters cant see them around.

B: Oh! Malini has gone to temple and Shalini is out for her IV pa, IAM Bangalore will be back on Saturday morning.

A: oh ok aunty, let uncle take rest and I will be back to see him later, I will take my leave now. ( I called Shalini again from my mobile but it is still switched off only)

S(pov): my sleep was disturbed by a male voice, just then I realize that I slept in the playground bench itself, the watchmen uncle asked me to go to my room, I was hesitant first but later decided to go and refresh my self, when I opened our room I could see her sleeping in the cot, so I quickly moved towards my bag and took out the required clothing and left to the washroom, I thought to my self that the senior guy must have left long back but I was I wrong when I came out again I saw her sitting nakedly riding on him, my goodness is this not over yet I think to myself and take out my belongings and move out of the room to my friends to get ready, it was a horrible day for me to start, firstly I didn't get a proper sleep and Ashwini made me watch all the sex fantasies made my blood boil, I charged my mobile in my friends room left to have my breakfast, I could see number of missed calls from Adi, and my mom, I just called my mom and left for the day.

A: Dai Shakthi !! Where are you da? Can I speak to Shalini please?

SK: Bro! we are in Bangalore bro inside IAM campus, she is attending the lecture bro shall I ask her to call you.

A: no da that's ok I will manage.

A: Its 7 o clock now and I m just entering Bangalore after a 7 long hours journey, not sure whether I doing it correct or not and how Shalini is going to react seeing me, with the hectic Bangalore traffic I reached the business school campus around 9 o'clock, but another shock was waiting for me the coordinator informs me that the team has left to Calicut in the evening itself and their stay is arranged in near by hotel xxx. So its going to be another 8 hours long journey for me to reach her, but I was already tired and hungry but my desperation to see her is pushing my limits to see her at once, taking a quick nap and filling my stomach I set to Calicut to meet her " hey Shalini ma wait for me I coming to wipe you off your feet" I chuckle to myself how I have started to behave like a love sick puppy running madly behind my girl like a teenage boy, I reached Calicut at around early morning after long persuasions with the hotel person I get to stay in the same block where the girls were put up, I have filled my stomach again and went in but the team had already left to their IV so I decide to take a long nap and get my self ready for her in the evening.

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