Happy Sharing ( True Story)

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Not an update
Kadavul setting to the Core
True Love always wins

you people might think what happened to me seriously i m so so happy
today so thought of sharing with you all
Just like the way i admire Ashwin and Sivaangi's bond there used to be
another duo who has all my hearts
Its none other than the TL and tester duo from my office
My office TL is just like Ashwin introvert to the core won't even come
closer to girls and always keeps distance and maintains
professionalism, Test lead is very funny character and perfect
extrovert very beautiful girl that most of the office guys will be
drooling her only, even old married uncles, but she always manages
them very maturely and handles all the situation by giving thug

2019 Dec : when we all went to team outing and lunch i sensed that
something was brewing between them i could see only love and care in each other eyes, The way he was taking care of her throughout the day made many eyebrows raised in our office, after that day many
indirectly started teasing them and making unnecessary comments about them which raised a HR escalation.

2020 Jan : I was called for an urgent meeting with the top management
and HR, to my surprise our office HR who used to very close to the
test lead girl was accusing the TL and the test lead of misbehaving in
the office during the office hours, so the management wanted my
opinion on this situation since i was working in his team, i thought
for a while and requested the management to investigate about this issue in a most dignified manner and to check the CCtv and other footages within the office premises and then have a 1:1 meeting with both of them if found guilty. Also I informed the management that I
used to sit opposite to his cubicle for the past 1 year and I did not
witness any such activities when I was around because the test lead
rarely comes near our cubicle, and if it's anything outside the office
premises then it's their personal I finished. after few days nothing
fishy was found and the management informed us to drop the issue
through mail

2020 Feb: Our test lead comes with her wedding card and invited us for her wedding the same day the HR who accused her invited her for a special lunch, i thought how people can change so easily and smiled to
myself and continued my work, around 8:30 pm HR calls me to gossip
that both our TL and Test lead were indeed in a relationship for the
past 6 years and that the girls family was opposing for their marriage
and both of them were trying to convince her family for past 2 years
but since TL sister is yet to be married he was requesting her family
to wait until his elder sister gets married but the denied it seems,
this gossip spread like a wildfire.

Feb 11th2020 she got married to a US guy and after that since it was
locked down we all stayed indoors and worked from home. After her
marriage TL went on a 15 days holiday stating personal reasons which
we all can understand and he hibernated himself from everything. I
felt really bad and sad for both of them. Things just drifted away.
Two souls parted away painfully.
2022 Mar: Most of the team are still working from home and few are
going to office on occasional basis, we get a wedding invite from our
TL with the picture of both the bride and groom and to our most
shocking to all off us TL weds Tester March 12th 2022 and we were all
invited to the wedding happening in his hometown. This came as a
She got married to a US guy  on feb 11th 2020 and now we are getting
an invitation for their marriage. What was going on was the common
doubt in everybody's mind.
last Sunday few of us attended their wedding we could all witness at
most happiness in both of their eyes and when he was tying the nuptial
chain around her both of them were crying including her parents, TL
was the first to steady himself and he just kissed her forehead and
gave a wide smile to her, letting out unsaid promises to her ,this was
the first time i witness this side of our TL though I used work next
to him for few years now i have never seen him touching or even
walking closer to any girl (just like our Ashwin). We all left the
wedding venue with a happy smile and contented heart.
I knew that our office HR would call me during the evening for some
gossip, but to my surprise she was herself in tears when she called
me, what should have happened to break our gossip queen HR I thought.
after few sorbings she confessed that on that fatal day the tester was
married to a US guy who was gay, and he didn’t even touch her for 6
months during the lock down period, when the travel relaxation was
announced he just came to her and informed that he is going back to US
and he has no plans to return to India and that his gay partner his
waiting for him in US, after a huge family drama and family fights
they both got divorced it seems, tester younger brother who used to be
the third wheel for them during their relationship informed our TL
about this, though he didn’t respond anything in the beginning he just
requested her brother to inform him once the divorce is over and then
that’s it, even though she was a divorce and both were not in contact
after her marriage, he firmly said he wanted to marry her only no
matter what.
Finally after a lot of convincing they got married on 12th March 2022.
All these dramas could have been avoided if their parents agreed to
their wedding first itself but i think this is now it is destined and
meant to be.

Happy ending.

Truth is stranger than fiction and truth love will always win
Their Love was so strong that nothing could stop them from becoming soulmates.

Have faith guys and strongly believe that one day Ashaangians will
also witness such a happy ending.

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