Testing Time

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The very next day Adi was called in by the chief doctor and informed  him that Aditi was suffering from stomach cancer and she is in her final stage, maximum she will be able to live only for one year, but both the doctor and Adi didn’t know that all these medical test results are forged one, though Adi was very angry with her in the beginning left very bad for her due her illness.

A: Doctor, is there no treatment for this? Can we even take her to foreign country for her treatment if that can cure her?

D: No Mr. Adi  I don’t think she is in that stage to even undergo a treatment, all her internal parts are functioning in a very bad condition, but my only surprise is that why doesn’t it showing on her face or on her body, normally patience like this will have hair loss and weak skin but she seems to be healthy and bright. Maybe she is taking some treatment already for that or maybe it is just my assumption.

A: No doctor, Aditi is a very active person, even now I can’t believe that she is this sick. She is very young to go through this.

D: I think u should let her stay here for one more day so that I can rerun the test again and start with the medications.

A: Sure doctor.(As soon as Adi comes out of the doctors room, he finds Aditi’s mom waiting for him)

A: Athai! When did you come? I need to talk to you about an important thing about Aditi. Please come with me.

Athai: I also need to have a chat with you Adi, come let’s go out for a drink, so that we can have a private talk.

Athai: Adi I think now u know the truth about my daughter’s illness right! We also came to know about it only during your wedding Adi! we have been treating her with Ayurveda medicines so that we can control the pain and the growth of the cancer, but I think it's just not helping, all she has is only few months so I want my daughter to live her life to the fullest during these days and fulfil her only last wish which only you can full fill

A: Last wish!.. let me know what it is, Athai I will surely do my best to help her.

Athai: Marry her Adi! All my daughter wants is to die as your wife, you are her one and only love in her lifetime.

A: Athai! What are you talking about? I am already a married man. How can you say such things to me?

Athai: That’s very simple Adi. divorce your wife Shalini and marry my daughter then if you want you can go back to Shalini if you want.

A: What nonsense Athai! Please I really don’t want to discuss these things now, let's go check Aditi now.

Athai: Sit down Adi! just sit down will you!

A: Athai!

Athai: Adi here first you watch this video and then let us discuss things later

Adi’s eyes goes wide in shock and speechless it was a video of his dad and a girl around 16 to 17years, the girls comes running to jump over him and hugs him tightly and his dad kiss her in her cheeks and swirls her around and later carries her in bridal style to the some kind of hotel room and closes the door

A: This is a fake video I … I don’t believe my dad will ever ever cheat on my mom, stop creating such kind of rumors athai! Don’t forget that the person whom you are accusing is your brother and my dad, no way am I going to believe you, and this girl in this video with my dad is much younger than me so I am 100% sure, my dad can't do this, I …. I can't imagine that you would stoop so low for your daughter.

Athai: How much ever you are going to deny this Adi, this is the fact that your father is cheating on you mother for a long time, it's just that the women’s alone changes from time to time. If you want you can check the authenticity of this video.

A: No No I totally believe my dad he can never cheat my mom

Athai: Seri Adi! if you don’t believe me u can very well go and check with your father! and I want to show you another video as proof that your father changes his women’s time to time. See this video even if you were in this video when you were 5 years old.

In that video Adi sees himself at age 5 playing with his father in a hotel lobby and then a very beautiful lady comes and hugs him and tears up. Then Adi sees his father makes him sit with his assistant and play in the lobby and walks way with that lady.

A: This doesn’t prove anything Athai!

Athai: I can understand that u don’t want to believe Adi but, this lady is your fathers first mistress and then after she disappears your had many and many more, and now he is hooking up with this 16 year old girl, shame on your father, but my point is if you don’t want your family to be shattered and broken and your dad multiple hook ups exposed you have to marry my daughter and take over my husbands family business and become the CEO of the company, I sure once my daughters sickness id relieved my husband will not be able to focus on the business and it will be an advantage to his brothers to take over the business, so in order to protect your family and my family you have to make this sacrifice and this information.

A: Athai! Please don’t do this to me, I really Love my Shalini a lot, I'm nothing without her, she completes me and I am a dead corpse without her. Please don’t ruin my life.

Athai: Adi! Do you think that your mother will be alive after seeing all these video tapes are you going to break two families for your love’s sake, think wise now go and speak to your wife and convince her to get divorce with mutual concern and get ready to take over the business, and my daughter doesn’t know anything about this so keep it a secret within us ok

A: U are breaking us apart for your own shellfish deeds, how do you expect your daughter to have a happy life marrying me.

Athai: leave that to me, first do what I say otherwise you must face the consequences.

Adi was dumb folded with his auntie’s evilness, more than that he was really worried if her aunty might hurt Shalini if he fights back, with a worried look Adi picked up his phone call which was ringing constantly it was none other than Shalini.

A mv: How this girl calls me every single time whenever I am worried or disturbed, I should be lucky to get this angle in my life, not sure how much of a struggle I have to go through to keep her with me for the rest of my life, but it is sure worth it.

A: Hello Papa! Good morning, how is your health? da

S: Hello Manna! GM, what happened to Aditi akka, why didn’t you tell me yesterday itself, Are you ok?

A: Sorry papa! I missed it ma. I am fine da papa! Its Aditi who is injured

S: Its ok mama, I hope you are good!   from yesterday night I am getting a weird restless feeling mama, are you really ok, I hope you are not hiding your pain

A mv: Don’t worry Papa, you Mama is always for you only and no one can separate us for their selfish needs, you are mine and I am yours forever da.

A: Papa, I really want to see you today, I will finish with my work and will come see you tonight ok va please inform your dad about this.

S: No problem manna! Appa and Amma are going to stay in Malini’s house today. I will stay back for you to come seri ya.

A: Thanks da! I miss you da ma

S: Miss too mama, can’t wait to see tonight.

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