Calm before Storm

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Whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same, we have crossed one hurdle and few more to go.

Ar Pov: She has been my best buddy for years, so it didn’t take me much to convince her to come with me to Chennai, we have always fought like mad dogs before also, but I know her weakness and she knows mine so willingly itself we both fall for each other's words. I was relieved that I finally found out who is that girls with whom I slept with my hurt pricked me to know she was suffering all this while just because of me and the fear of loosing my friendship, I was feeling proud and happy the way she respected our friendship, going forward I am going to make sure that she will see my romantic side as well this time, finally after all my suffering after my mother’s death I am seeing a ray of hope with me and Malini together with our little one on the way, finally I am going to have a family of my own I will no longer be called as an orphan and no one will abuse me any more, I turned my glace towards my left hand side I could see Malini sleeping peacefully clutching my shirt tightly as if her life depends on me or may be she will be worried that I may disappear as soon as she woke up, but I going to assure her that I going to be with her till my last breath, I heard a bell going on in the main door, I slowly released my hold from my shirt without disturbing her and went out to open the door.

C: Hi Bro, sorry to disturb, it's time for Malini’s next dose of medicine and she needs to eat something, if you don’t mind can you please call her.

Ar: (I swiftly hugged chiti for the way he was taking care of Malini like her own sister) Thanks Bro Thanks a lot for helping us.

C: Enna Bro, nothing like that, chill where is she, is she still angry?

Ar: Illa Bro, all good she can never be angry with me at all, she is sleeping Bro.

C: (I walk past Arjun to see her sleeping peacefully )Bro seriously! After a long time I am witnessing  Malini sleeping peacefully, Paavam bro  Malini she suffered a lot. Please take care of her, let her sleep now I will bring her some food to eat, by the way where is our hero Me. Aditya? Bro.

A: Dai chiti, what are you doing here?

C: Machan came to call you both for dinner da, Is Shalini also sleeping?

A: Yes da! Travel tiredness.

C: Seri go refresh and come we will go and have dinner in my house and come back! Let them sleep.


C: Dai! Dai! Enough da this is and all too much! nothing is going to happen within 30 mins come we will all have dinner, uncle and ur appa is also waiting for you all.

Ar: Illa bro, sure she will search me as soon as she wakes up, so you all have I will come once she is awake.

C: Seri Seri, I will bring you the dinner here itself and you all can have it and Arjun! don't forget to give Malini the medicines on time ok.

A Pov: We all went to refresh and made Malini and Shalini to have dinner, may be after a long time we four of them are having our dinner together as one family, both the sisters started to have their cute batters for a long time forgetting our presence, we eyed each other for checking whether everything got resolved between us with a contented smile, I informed them that we will be leaving to Chennai tomorrow morning and asked Malini to pack her bags and her medical reports with her, we took a early morning flight to Chennai and reached Shalini’s house, at first Malini was reluctant to get outside the car but thanks to Arjun, he held her hand gracefully and walked her to her house, seeing this my eyes welled up and I look towards Shalini and our eyes locked for a second mirroring the same feeling in her eyes, I mentally promised myself that I will make sure that I will protect her until my last breath and keep her safe from all evil eyes, after multiple rounds of emotional mother and daughter drama, the house finally settled down and became calm, my mother helped them with lunch and dinner and then we were planning to go home.

A mom: Shalu ma we are leaving da, you stay here for two three days and then you can come home seri ya! Spend some quality time with your parents and sister da.

S: Seri ma, but I will come tomorrow itself ma.

A: Then I will also stay here ma, I will book a cab for you both.

A mom: What are you going to do staying here, not required come home with us( I was upset with Adi for hiding thing with Shalini so I wanted to teach him a lesson, he should know the value of relationship especially the value of my daughter in law)

A: Ma! Please ma! Please ma!

A mom: Shut up and come home.

B: Shalu ma! Go with your MIL today and come back this weekend and you and Adi can stay ( I didn’t want my daughter to stay away from Adi, I can see the desperation in Adi’s eyes ).

A mom: Shalu ma! Seri come let's go home, you can come back next weekend and stay with your family.

A pov: We all reached home and went in to get refreshed. That's when my mom gave us a heart attack.

A mom: Adi appa you stay with Adi today and I will sleep with Shalini today ok va?

R: why? why? Why should I sleep alone without you! What mistake did I make?

A mom: Nothing like that I want to spend some time with my daughter that’s all.( I am going to teach my dear son a nice lesson but my husband is not helping me in this, I know that he can't sleep without me but I must surely teach a lesson to Adi)

R: You spend ma, I will sleep down in the extra bed in our bedroom and you both can use the cot I will not disturb you both, I will just hold your saree pallu and sleep for sure.( I can see Shalini giggling for my desperateness)

A mom mv : loosu Adi appa, it's been nearly 30 years still you can't sleep without me and holding my saree pallu, Adi appa! adi appa! I don’t know what I am going to do with you.

A: Ma! It's ok ma! Let appa sleep in your bedroom, me and Shalini will go to our room ma! Poor appa cant sleep without you! Illa appa!( even I can't sleep without my Shalu amma)

A mom: Nothing doing! Let your father sleep down in the extra bed and me and Shalini will take the cot, you go to your bedroom and don’t wait for us.

A: Enna tragedy da ( I could see a mischiefs grin in Shalini’s eyes who was enjoying my mother punishment by not letting me stay with her tonight)

I went to my room and got refreshed, I texted Shalini “ I miss ur warmth” but no reply from her I was tossing here and there in my bed but I was not able to sleep well, after debating with myself for an hour on what to do I sneaked into my parents bedroom without disturbing my sleeping parents, to my relief my father and mother was sleeping down in the spare bed with my father holding my mother’s saree pallu along with her hand like a lost puppy and I saw Shalini sleeping in the bed alone, without making any noise I just slide into the bed and lay next to her and wrapped my hands on her bare waist and pulled her closer to me, I closed her mouth when she jerked with my touch and kept my face in crock of her neck from behind and kissed her nape, with my hands placed way above her waist just to capture her high mountains and squeezed  them and drifted myself to sleep.

A mom mv: Adda pavi! Like father like son, both are useless fellows, stay happy da Adi, don’t hurt my daughter she is a pure soul.

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