Hide and Seek

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Note: Thank you for all your love and support.

S pov: A petite pregnant girl hugged Adi! and Adi also reciprocated to her without any hesitation, I was not able to see her face properly, but as soon as they broke their hug, It was an ultimate shock for all of us, it was Aditi and she was indeed heavily pregnant, She was also in shock to see us all in her door steps, my heart pricked and I left like I will be falling in a second.

A: darling! Please get inside the house ma, I will handle this you don’t have to worry, please go inside and take rest.

Smv: Did Adi just called Aditi darling, and that he will take care of everything, and she doesn’t need to worry about anything? How is this even possible, he is my husband and he is treating me like a stranger now.

Ad: Seri, please ask everybody to come inside, I will go prepare some coffee for them.

A: Not required da, I will take care of that, doctor has asked you to take rest right go laydown now, Appa please take your seat here I will put Aditi to sleep and get back to you all.

KK: Adi! what’s happening here pa, I could see all your pictures together in his living room, don’t you think u ore us an explanation right way .

A: Uncle please, my wife is pregnant now and at present she needs a peaceful environment so I request you to get seated for now and I will be back for all your answers within 10, 15mins.

R: KK I seriously don’t know what is happening here da, please do not misunderstand me da, I have no role in his play.

KK: Ravi! Looks like you and your son have ruined my entire family, first it was Malini then it’s now Shalini, I just buried my daughter’s life with my own hands, and you two are sole responsible for that.

R: I am really ashamed of my self da, I don’t think there is any forgiveness for my mistake, if Aditi is whom he wanted means I would have never approached you for your daughters hand da. believe me da, myself and my wife asked him whether we need to see the Aditi’s alliance first before approaching your family, its he who told us that he is not interested in Aditi da, that’s the only reason we came to see your daughter, none of this could have happened if he had told us the truth about Aditi.

KK: Both father and Son are playing games with my daughter’s life illa.

A: Uncle! Appa! Please sit down let me explain you all what really happened.

R: Son! You better have a honest answer for all this mess you have done.

A: Appa! Let me explain you everything, I was not interested in Aditi from the beginning that’s why when you approached me for Aditi I clearly rejected it, but after my engagement with Malini only I came to know that Aditi was madly in love with me from her young age, and she was even willing to die for me but I kept rejecting her until, until that fatal day and fatal thing happened, Appa! do you remember the day when i was in Bangalore our client had thrown an success party in the hotel where I was staying, I just had a severe headache so left the party a bit earlier when I was feeling dizzy and light headed I bump into Aditi in the elevator, and when I woke up in the morning I saw her sleeping next to me, and that’s when she explained me that I forced her to be physical with her and we ended having sex on that night though I don’t remember anything I didn’t want to blame everything on Aditi, I think the entire mistake was on my side only, but still Aditi said that we will forget this as a bad dream since my marriage was fixed with Malini and KK uncle’s heart problem added to that, with lot of convincing from her side I got my self prepared for the wedding with a heavy heart and guilt killing me from inside, me and Aditi didn’t talk with each other after that incident happened  but on the wedding eve Aditi left sick and I called Chiti to help her and Chiti being my best of friends he took her to the hospital, at first I thought she left sick because she had alcohol. That’s why I married Shalu so that I can keep up with the promise I made to KK uncle but fate had other reasons, Chiti took her to Bangalore to her friends place because she was pregnant with my child, that’s why I had to spend money on her medical bills and we rented her into new house with help of her friends and here we are.

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