Wedding Bells

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S Pov: A tight slap rested in Arjun’s face as soon as he entered my room, I was shocked to see my mother slapping him. That woman who used to treat him like a  small child and pampered Arjun from the day when we came into our life, I haven’t seen her raising her voice also, slapping Arjun is way out of a league, this day can never be worse than this. Daddy’s little princess ditched him for an unknown reason and my clam and composed mom is attacking her most favorite person apart from us.

Ar: Ma!!

B: Stop it Arjun, please stop it, I know you are concerned about Shalini but this is not the right time, we elders have made up our mind for the sake of the family.

Ar: So Amma? U are going to sacrifice my baby’s life for your family’s pride?

S (mv): Arjun still thinks I'm a baby? Seriously, why is he not worried about my sister's disappearance?

B: Its not about the family pride Arjun, Adi is the best choice for Shalini, and we all agree with it

Ar: Ma! He is too old for Shalu ma, look at their age difference its almost a decade please ma don’t do this.

B: Me and your Appa has a age gap of 11 years da don’t forget that.

Ar: ok leave the age gap, Shalu is still studying ma can’t you at least consider that

B: She can study after her marriage also da.

Ar: Like what having a baby and then continue her studies, don’t you even realize what will be the next stage after marriage, can you guarantee that she will even finish her studies after her marriage, you are forcing a baby to get married and imposing her with all the family responsibility in this young age and her dreams and her aim is all gone for a task, just because we are getting her married because we have no other choice am I correct.

B: Don’t break me more da please stop it.

Ar: No Amma! I won’t, I won’t have another Bini ma in our family. I know how talented you are. If you were allowed to pursue your studies and your dreams you would have made wonders, but your chance was denied and snatched from you ma. I won’t let it happen to my Shaz never until I m alive

S: Arjun! ( I ran and hugged him tightly and started sobbing in his arms I never thought of all these things myself he is voicing out for my future and my dreams which I haven’t given much importance and here he is fighting for my rights and my dreams)

Ar: Shalz stop crying di I am there for you, no matter who ever come in between your dreams they have to pass over me to reach you.

KK: Arjun! I am so proud of you da, but you haven’t seen the other side of the coin, you haven’t heard Adi’s confession for Shalini that why you are not able to conclude. If you trust me and my words then don’t stop this wedding and let Adi marry Shalini.

If anyone in this world who is more concerned about her and her dream after her parents means it's only Adi. I am sure he will not prove me wrong

Ar: Appa! Please Appa!

KK: Poda! Go search my lifeline and get her back and tell her that I am not angry with her and I am ready to agree for all her wishes and dreams.

Ar: Appa! She left by her own choice and she will come back when she wants to, I don’t want to even speak about her now, she could have at least seeked my help or even Shalini’s but she took it all in her own hands pa

KK: She very well knows that you will take my stand only and Shalini is too young for this kind of decision, so that’s why I am asking you to go search for my daughter and bring her back to me please, and let this marriage happen.

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