Family Bonding

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Changing Adi’s mom name to Kala

Shalini was sleeping in the bed peacefully after the night long torture from Adi to complete her missed syllabus, it was 3 in the morning when Adi finally left her seeing her drowsing off, Adi lifted her in bridal style and made her lay on the bed when he received a call from chitti, Adi didn’t want Shalini to wake up so he moved to balcony to speak to his friend, Shalini was steering in her sleep when she felt a small tap in her cheeks.

S: Ma! Please ma, let me sleep ma!, papa pavam illa, just 5 more minutes please ma ( her sleep was disturbed by the giggle)

k: Shalu ma, get up da it's already 9 o'clock ma

That’s when Shalini  realized that she is sleeping in Adi’s house and not in her house, she gasped and woke up covering her face and that’s when she remembered that she got married to Adi yesterday, but Adi’s mom’s eyes was widened to see her wearing Adi’s shirt and she was wearing her in skirt alone, with her saree thrown near the bedside, Shalini rub her eyes not understanding a thing, all she remembered is drowsing off in the study table early morning but then she did remember folding her saree and changing to Adi’s shirt when she felt uncomfortable studying with her saree on, she gave a sheepish smile and when she saw the bed was districted giving away a sign to Adi’s mom imaginary wild night in her eyes.

S(mv): Iyooo, aunty should have mistaken us, adi what have you done? Adi!!!!

S: Good morning Aunty sorry slept off, I will make sure I will not repeat this ( and she started to arrange the distorted bed and started folding her saree.

K: illa kanna, no problem it happens to everyone, now go and get ready. We should start doing pooja from today, and don’t forget to wash your hair seri ya!

S: Seri aunty. ( Shalini moved towards the washroom to finish her morning chores)

K: Shalu ma! I have kept some make up items and some concealer for you I hope I will  of help to you ( she left the bed room giggling to herself)

S: What happened to this aunty, I don’t use makeup or concealer when I m at home,( her eyes popped up wide when she removed Adi’s shirt seeing her red marks in the washroom mirror which looked exactly like hickeys in her neck all the way down remembering the way Adi was pinching her for all the mistakes she was doing while he gave her a test)

S: OMG! Adi seriously Adi! I am surely going to kill you for this, oh no for this only aunty shared me the makeup items and stressed on the concealer polla, oh! God! How embarrassing it is (but all the hickeys reminded her of their first ever intimate moment which they had in her balcony, Shalini caressed all the red marks and blushed to herself and murmured Gangster Adi!)

K: Like father like son, eppa poor my daughter in law is going to struggle to cope up with my son’s desire just like I did with his father.

R: Hey enna di, morning itself you are blushing like this! I was behaving good with you in the morning di! (he winked at his wife)

K: hmmm, you and your Son are the same, gentle and caring  for others and a gangster in bed, poor me and my shalu kutty have to put up with you guys.

R: Seri ok I will parcel some of your concealers to her as well ok va? ( he was tickling his wife)

K: No need I have already shared it myself today morning, maybe she needs the whole box going forward.

R: hmm, then we should be ready to become grannies in another 9 months, but I will still be your gangster hee hee.

K: hmmm seri seri, get ready for pooja I will go down now.

Shalini finished covering her fake hickeys with the given concealer and went out for the pooja room and did her first ever pooja in his house which is now her's.Adi’s mom nudged her to sing the same Krishna song again which Shalini happily accepted it and sang for her MIL (mother-in-law) throughout the breakfast Shalini’s eyes was only searching for Adi, but she was scared to ask his mom, after their hickey encounter in the morning. Which didn’t went unnoticed by Adi’s mom, so she cleared her throat and informed her husband that Adi had to leave early to Bangalore for some important client work and he will be back by Sunday evening, Shalini’s face fell as soon as she heard that he won't be available for next 2 days she went sad and lonely all of a sudden, sensing her discomfort Adi’s mom pulled her to her room for a chit chat and it went for a long time both Adi’s mom and Shalini became very comfortable with each other. Shalini left motherly feelings from Adi’s mom, all her fear and insecurities were breaking down, likewise Adi’s mom left like a long lost mother daughter feelings from her.

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