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Shalini's exams got over on Friday, and this time also Adi used to
pick her up from her house and stay still her exam gets over and
leaves her with chocolates, today he got her favorite Pizza, being
very comfortable with Adi, shalini occasionally feeds him now and
then which Adi happily accepts without any hesitation, both were
enjoying their Pizza in Adi's car when her phone rang
Ar: Hi Shaz exam over ra?
S: Hmm over Sir, hope u remember my treat
Ar: Yes, yes i will take you to an ice cream shop today with Malini
and we will meet you near our usual ice cream shop ok va.
S: double ok
A: Who is that Ma.
S: It's Arjun only, my Akka's friend and work colleague, actually we
three are going to have ice cream today.

Shalini was very excited for today evening since the ice cream shop
was opposite the beach. She will be able to enjoy both her favorite
things at the same time, she thought for a while
S: Why don't you also join us for the beach ?
A: No Ma you people carry on i have an important work to finish (Adi
said with a sad face)

Adi had planned to take her to the beach today and spend some time
with her, which he was carving for the past few days since most of
their conversation was only limited to studies and exams.
S: (exhaling deeply) hmm its ok Mama, i know u r busy man, we will go next time.
S(pov): i think i have been using all Adi's time due to my exam and
both Akka and Adi have not spoken for a long time, i thought i will
make this situation a nice excuse for them to catch up with each
other, but since Adi has work to do he refused to come.
A: Okay Shalini ma I will take your leave now, go attend your class
and make sure you drink hot water after having your Ice cream !!
S: Sure Mama, and thanks for the Pizza treat, u r really super cool.
Adhi left to his office to attend his post lunch meetings, but his
mind was wandering around Shalini and he couldn't concentrate in his
meeting, which was totally strange for him because normally he is so
focused on his work and no external source generally affects him, but
today he is fully clouded with Shalini's thoughts about their small
batters they share now and then, not able to control himself Adhi
excused himself from his meeting and went to fetch some coffee. some
external force was making him behave like a clingy teenage boy which
he is not .
After an hour battling with himself and his heart, His heart wins,
eventually making him wait near the Beach eagerly waiting for
Shalini's arrival even before the stipulated time informed.
Shalini reached with her sister to the beach seeing Adi waiting for
them restlessly made both of the girls giggle to themselves.
S: Akka, see your Romeo is waiting for you
M: Hey Shalini be quiet, I'm going to hit you now, tell me the truth
is this your plan to make him come here?
S: he he he doing my mami work very well, come let see our Romeo and come.
M: Hey Adi how are you, sorry for making you wait.
A: hey Malini, no problem actually I wanted to meet you in personal
and since Shalini also insisted to meet you I can't avoid it (i lied
effortlessly )
S: Mama nice uruttu mama
Adi and Malini were sitting near the beach sand were as Shalini left
to play giving them some privacy, but both of them were finding
difficult to start their conversation, Adi's full concentration was
on Shalini who was standing near the water.
A: This place is safe for girls right, I can see only a few people
here and Shalini is also playing alone, if you want you can give her
M: Hey this place is very safe Adi don't worry and me Arjun and
Shalini are regular visitors here and more over Arjun's house is
nearby once so it's perfectly safe.
Adi and Malini were conversing for a while, even when Adi was busy
talking with Malini, his eyes never left Shalini who was happily
drenching her feet in the beach water that's when Adi saw a group of
college guys nearing Shalini, Adi somewhat felt a little discomfort
when they started to move closer to Shalini.
A: Malini, there are a few guys approaching Shalini. I think it
doesn't look like the right way, please stay here and I will bring her
S: Adi, she won't come for sure. better u go stay with her and
meanwhile I will go buy something for us to eat.
Adi removed his overcoat and his shirt and kept near his shoes and
rushed to Shalini and stood next to her, seeing this the guys who
approached Shalini were let out a disappointing sound and started to
discuss something within themselves, Adi still didn't feel right and
he looked back at Malini to ask her to join them but she was not there
so Adi decides to stay very close with Shalini by holding her hand.
S: Mama what is this? I asked you to come so that you can spend some
time with my akka, what are you doing here with me hmmm!!!
A:Ma she has gone to get us something to eat, that's why I came
(holding her hands tightly this time).
S: Since you are here, can we go a bit closer to the water please.
A: hmm!! ok but hold my hands tightly and don't fall ok, the waves are
getting stronger.
Adi and Shalini where enjoying their time playing in the water,
enjoying each others company has become so natural for them and both
of them start become more close to each other without their knowledge,
that's when one of the guy in the boys gang came riding in the horse
so close to them and made them lose control and they both fell into
the water and got fully drenched, Shalini was pulled a little further
inside the water but Adi's tight hold of her hands made her to stay
close to him, but he could understand her, not willing to come out of
the water and she stayed inside to the water with a scared face.
A: Shalini Ma get up from the water, why are you staying low? (she
nods negatively )
A: Ma whatever it is you can tell me, I m there for you trust me please.

seeing Shalini's worried face, all I could do is to bend down in the
water with her, just then I was her dress becoming transparent and her
inner garments were clearly visible, seeing this I just stood up
swiftly seeing me reacting like this Shalini started to tremble
holding my hands tightly than ever, I just looked at her.
A: Shalini do you trust me ?
S: yes I do mama.
A: (inhaling deeply I let out), Ma I going to come down to you and hug
you and I going to cover your back with my vest, you have to trust me
with this, I won't let any evil eyes on your body, I will take you out
and will make you wear my overcoat, but for that you have to trust me
and allow me to do what I intend to do. Just trust me and come with me
Shalu ma I called her.
S: Mama I m scared, but I trust you fully (I just lowered my self deep
into the water)
A: I will not put u in any embarrassing situation, just hold me tight.
Adi Pov: Shalini's dress were sticking to her body making her inners
visible due to its contrast colour, it didn't tempt me to look at her
in any wrong way nor did my manly parts react to it instead the
protective side of mine dominated me to take control of the situation
and protect her from all the evil eyes who are waiting to see a
glimpse of her body, which I will not let it happen until I m alive,
so I walked closer to her and removed my black vest and wrapped around
her back and blend down to scoop her from the water, Shalini just
sticked to me like her life depends upon me wrapping her legs around
my waist and wrapped her hands around my neck and decking her face
into my shoulder leaving no air to pass between us, though she was
safe in my arms but my hands were holding dangerously holding her
curves down to cover most of her upper part and lower, my mind was
screaming against this action of holding her butt so strongly but I
have no other choice because I need to cover all her private parts
from the stray eyes.
S: Mama please don't leave me, I can't survive it.
A: I would rather die than leaving u Shalini, I will hold you tight
until my last breath (I blurred out to her unknowingly)
S: (Shalini got shocked to hear these words coming from Adi, but left
somewhat creepy satisfied and happy hearing those words) Mama!!! I I
A: Ma I coming going to bend down to take my overcoat please hold on
to me tight, once I help u to wear my coat u can get down I said,
S (pov): I fell into the water when the horse came dangerously close
to me and making me lose my control, to my fate I wore a dark shade of
inners, but Adi came to my help and made me wrap around him, to my
surprise all my fear vanished and I left protective, all his assuring
words whispered into my ears made me feel safe and like "HOME" Adi
suddenly left like my home to me our breathing were rhythmic and I
could hear his heart beat so loudly making me go weak on my legs, when
he brought me out of the water my grip around my neck and his hold on
my bum got tighten covering all over my back to keep the vest intact
when Adi said that he is going to bend down to lift the coat for me I
just held to him tightly than before like latterly sticking to him
like a glue. Adi made me wear his coat, still holding me in his arms.
I slid down from him slowly. I just looked up to him and our forehead
met together with a strong eye contact and satisfying smile in both
our faces.

S: You didn't leave me till the end

A: I will hold on to you until my last breath I promise.

Shalini was taken aback by this statement she could sense his genuine
in his word like he meant it from his heart, that's when a strong
force pulled her from Adi and before she could react to anything which
was happening around us, I heard a sound slapping sound coming from my
side reaching towards Adi's cheeks. Adi stood there holding his hand
in his cheek with a pain in his eyes.

Who Slaped Adi, and WHY!!!

Author note: hi all sorry for the delayed update, held up a little I hope you are all enjoying the story.

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