Chapter 38

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The group walked towards the Cornucopia as they listened to Katniss explain what Wiress had figured out. "The arena is laid out like a clock." Amelia paid close attention. "Each hour, there is a new threat, but they stay inside their wedge." That was why the fog stopped at the invisible barrier. It couldn't leave its wedge. "It starts with the lighting. Then the blood rain, fog, and monkeys. That is the first four hours." They arrived at the Cornucopia. "Then at ten, the wave hits from over there." She pointed in front of her.

"Wiress," Finnick spoke to the woman. "You're a genius."

"The tail points at twelve."

Katniss nodded at Peeta's words. "That's where the lighting strikes at midnight and noon."

Beetee walked to the edge with his coil of wire. "Where?"

Katniss pointed at the largest tree. "There."

It stood out among the rest. "Good." Amelia followed Katniss towards the shaded part of Cornucopia, underneath a piece of metal. Peeta used his machete to draw a circle. He was drawing the clock. "Twelve to one, lighting. One to two, blood. Then fog. Then monkeys."

"Hickory Dickory Dock. The dog barked at the clock," Wiress chanted from the edge.

"Then we have the wave from ten to eleven." Amelia crossed her arms. "Anything else? Did you guys see anything else?" That was all they knew so far, which wasn't much. There were still many unknowns.

"Hickory Dickory Dock."

"Nothing but blood," Johanna said.

"It doesn't matter." Amelia disagreed with Peeta. "As long as we stay clear of whatever section is active, then we are fine." That was easier said than done. Anything could happen while in the games.

"Relatively speaking."

Wiress gasped, causing all of them to look over. Amelia's eyes widened as she saw Gloss pull his knife out of her neck. The action was followed by a cannon. Katniss grabbed a bow and shot Gloss in the chest. Another cannon followed.

Cashmere darted towards them. Johanna pushed Katniss out of the way and hit the girl in the face with her ax. A third cannon went off. From beside Amelia, Brutus darted out from the water. She raised her weapon, but Finnick got in front of her. He used his trident to fight him off. Enobaria was approaching. Amelia grabbed a knife. It was her second to last one. She threw it at the woman at the same time she was throwing one back. Enobaria's knife skimmed Finnick's shoulder. Amelia's knife grazed the woman's cheek. The woman with razor-sharp teeth moved to attack, but a bow flew towards her.

Peeta went running after her, but Finnick and Amelia stopped him. However, Katniss went sprinting past them. "Katniss!" Johanna went chasing after her. Amelia let go and prepared to join the chase when the ground shifted under her feet.

Everyone fell to the ground. Amelia rolled a few feet as the ground they were on began to spin at an alarmingly fast speed. She gripped the rocks around her, trying desperately to hold on.

They were spinning fast. Water splashed on them, making the rocks slippery. Amelia laid flat against the hard rock, gripping them so tightly her fingers turned white. Beetee slipped and began tumbling towards the water. Finnick pushed forward and grabbed him.

There was clattering above them. Amelia looked up to see the weapons coming loose. They started to fly towards them. Peeta spun to get out of the way. Amelia tried to do the same. She slipped into a dip in the rocks and held on.

The spinning slowly came to an end. Amelia refused to let go of the rocks. Her body was shaking from how tightly her muscles were strained. Water splashed on her as it settled. Peeta stood up and began running in the other direction. Amelia struggled to her feet, legs wobbling slightly.

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