Chapter 39

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Amelia wanted to go home. She wanted to be back in her bed in District 12 more than anything. The girl sat on the edge of the water, the waves touching the tips of her toes. Finnick was ten feet to her right in the water. Katniss was with Peeta, Johanna, and Beetee. Her fingers fiddled with the ring on the necklace that Haymitch gave her. It was the last piece of him she had.

The screams of Haymitch wouldn't leave her mind. She had no idea if he was alive or dead. It seemed President Snow knew about their relationship or at least speculated. Her reaction would have solidified his thoughts. Amelia feared she signed his death certificate.

Amelia missed Haymitch more than anything. She missed his smile and soft blue eyes. She missed his laugh and touch. She missed everything about him. She wanted to go back home with him, but deep down she knew she never would.

"Hey." Someone touched her shoulder. She jumped, circling around to look at the person. It was Peeta. "You okay?"

She forced a smile. "Fine."

He nodded. "Come on. Beetee has a plan."

"Okay." Amelia stood up and followed the younger boy towards the group.

Beetee sat on the ground. "Where do the Careers feel safest? The jungle?"

"The jungle is a nightmare." Johanna put a hand on the tree branch above her head.

"Then here on the beach," Peeta said.

Beetee looked at him. "Then why aren't they here?"

"Because we are," Amelia crossed her arms.

"We claimed it," Johanna added.

"And if we left, would they come back?"

"Or stay hidden in the treeline," Finnick responded.

"Which in roughly four hours will be soaked by the ten o'clock wave." Amelia stared at Beetee as he spoke. He clearly had a plan formed in his mind. "What happens at midnight?"

Katniss spoke up next, "lightning strikes the tree."

"Here's what I am thinking." Beetee looked around the area. "We leave the beach at dusk and head towards the lightning tree. That will lure them to the beach." Amelia listened closely. "Before midnight, we run the wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted." It seemed simple enough.

Johanna shifted her weight onto her hip. "How do we know the wire won't burn up?"

"Because I invented it," Beetee responded. "I promise you it will not burn up." Amelia glanced at Katniss. For now, this was the best plan. It allowed her the most protection. However, once the remaining Careers were dead, it wouldn't be easy.

"It's better than hunting them down."

"Yeah," Katniss seemed to agree. "Sure. Why not? If it fails, then there is no harm done." This would be the easiest way to take out the last two biggest threats.

"I agree," Amelia breathed.

"Let's do it."

Finnick gripped his trident with his non-dominant hand. "How can we help?"

"You can keep alive for the next six hours. That would be incredibly helpful." There was a sad smile on his face.


Amelia stood on the edge of the water. It was still bright out, but the sun was in the early stages of setting. She enjoyed the sky. It didn't matter if it was fake. Amelia had a strange feeling in her gut. Something was telling her that everything would change tonight. Once the Careers were dead, there would be six left. Herself, Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Johanna, and Beetee. Maybe seven if Chaff was alive.

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