late night swim

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it was a perfect night in los angeles. not too hot, not too cold, the stars twinkling and shining bright in the sky, the moon, bright as day. i mesmerized through my window and had an idea, i'll go for a swim i thought.

i turned away from the window, not wanting to since the sky was so beautiful, i walked to my drawer and picked out my new dark red bikini. i walked to the bathroom to put it on. i looked at my body through the mirror, wow i thought looking at every square inch.

i was so proud of myself. i had been working out for a good 3 weeks and the result is just what i wanted. i smiled to myself warmly. i picked up a hair tie and put my hair in a high messy bun. i grabbed my towel and slid my slides on and made my way to the sliding door that led to the pool in the backyard.

as soon as the cool wind hit me, i immediately relaxed. i took a deep breath in and out and just embracing this moment because you never know when it could happen again.

i put my towel on the chair and slides on the chair, then i walked into the pool. the pool was pretty cold but i could handle it. i was swooshing the water around with my hands then i looked up at the beautiful sky. the stars were just absolutely immaculate and bright and so was the moon.

god i love nights like this, wish they'd never end. i then looked around to see if there was a floaty. i spotted one and swam to it. i laughed at myself trying to get on since it was kinda hard. "jesus christ, you got this y/n" i said to myself laughing. "come on..YES" i whispered screamed as i successfully got on to the floaty.

i rested on my back and just let the water lead me to whenever it desired. about 15 minutes later i heard the door open. i turned my head to see colby walking out with his swim trunks on. i smiled and then turned fully on to my stomach.

once i saw him walk into the pool i got off the floaty and went to him. he smiled and put his hands on my waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck keeping him close. i put my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed his company as he enjoyed mine.

he slowly slid his hand down my waist and squeezed my butt lightly. i gasped and picked my head up, i breathily chuckled as he was giggling. "you're so cute" colby said sweetly. i smiled and blushed whispering a 'thank you'. i leaned in to kiss him and he wasn't hesitant about kissing me back.

kissing colby was like heaven. i fucking love his kisses so much, all they show is pure love, affection and passion. i seriously love this man with every part of me. we pulled away not wanting to but we need time to breathe. our lips were still dangerously close as our foreheads were touching and our eyes closed.

"how'd you know i was out here" i asked picking my head and swimming to one of the edges in the pool. "i had heard the sliding door open and close and assumed you went out for a swim so i had the idea to come and join you" he said with a sly smirk swimming next to me.

i giggled and looked up at the sky again. "isn't it beautiful?" colby looked up too, "it really is, i love how the stars are all twinkly and bright." colby said mesmerized. i sighed in comfort "and the moon too, it's doesn't feel real." colby nodded his head in agreement.

colby's pov
i looked back down and looked at my beautiful girlfriend of 4 years. god she is stunning. the way her eyes are twinkling with the stars, how her skin is glowing in the moon light, how she's smiling in comfort. she's just..absolutely perfect.

i cant wait to put an engagement ring on her finger. i just cant wait to spend the rest of my life with this woman. she seriously has an effect on me and it drives me insane. a good insane.

"colbyyy" she said that snapped me out of my trance.

your pov:
i looked back down and turned to colby since i sensed he was staring at me, and he was. i giggled and called out his name "colbyyy" i said softly. he shook his head lightly and said a 'huh'. i giggled once more "you were staring at me, what's on your mind babe?"

colby chuckled lowly "you just look so beautiful when you were staring up into the sky. just the way your skin glows in the moon and your eyes twinkle with stars. you're just perfect." i curled my bottom lip "awww babyyy, you're the sweetest" i went closer to him and gave him a kiss.

"these past 4 years have been the best years in my life and thank you so much for being my life." i said sweetly as our foreheads were touching. colby smiled lowly "you have no idea how bad i wanna put an engagement ring on that left finger of yours. you're mine till the end of time" he said with pure love.

i smiled and kissed his cheek then lips. i pulled away, "we should probably go inside so we don't shrivel up like prunes" i laughed at my own saying and so did colby. we both got out and made our way to the towels and dried ourselves up. we both walked in the house and went straight to the bathroom to take off our bathing suits.

i had already put dry clothes on the bathroom counter and so did colby so we wouldn't have to worry about going upstairs and getting new clothes. me and colby showered, yes together cause why the hell not, and put on our clothes and headed to bed.

i jumped on the bed since i missed the soft, silky fabric. colby chuckled and so did i. he got into bed as well and turned off the lamp. he grabbed my waist and held me, gave me a kiss goodnight and we both said our 'i love you's'.

this is a core memory <3.

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