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I was annoyed and fuming mad and did not want to be around Mikey or anyone for that matter. why would he bring up what had happened in the ramen shop last night. I am still left shaken traumatised from what happened that night. Why did that cute mysterious guy save me?, if claims to don't like me and why did he hug me? I was lost in my thoughts when I spotted a group of familiar boys from Mobius. I started to have flashbacks of what happened last night. I was having a panic attack. I tried to lean on the wall but I leaned on somethings else instead or should I say someone else.

It was chifuyu he was rather confused until he spotted the boys and understood the reason. "Y/N!! Y/N!! ARE YOU OKAY" Chifuyu asked concerned "I umm I'm fine" I answered a bit frightened because one of the mobius boys were looking right at me. "LETS GO Y/N THEY CAN'T HURT YOU" Chifuyu replied. I started to relax a bit and I was thankful that he was around to help even though I was a complete self-absorbed prick to him for he past two years.

We were walking and I apologised for my past behaviour towards him he was shocked "thanks for help me Chifuyu even though I've been nothing but horrible to you for the past 2 years, I'm really sorry" Chifuyu replied "It's okay Y/N you don't have to apologise"

I smiled and started crying and replied "No it's not okay, I've hurt everyone's feelings,I've ruined everyone's lives and reputation, I've been nothing but horrible to everyone" Chifuyu was suprised and he responded "wait please don't cry Y/N you kinda remind me of takimichi" "who's that" I asked wiping my tears. "he's one of the newest member of Toman" Chifuyu replied "oh you mean Hanagaki" I said "yeah Hinata's boyfriend you know him" chifuyu asked "yeah he's my neighbour" I replied.

We were walking and talk about stuff when chifuyu said "you know Y/N if you still feel traumatized about what happened last night you should maybe make your parents get you an emotional support animal"

I replied "I'll think about it, My dad hate dogs,he had a terrible experience with pitbull once and mom she doesn't like cats, she had an accident with a cat on her runway in New York,she's fashion designer they would never allow me to get a pet" I explained.

He then replied "Oh sorry Y/N but if you manage to convince them get a cat it's kinda fun being a cat owner. Cat are hilarious and are fascinating pets to have.

I smiled and said "okay I'll maybe take your advice on getting one" he chuckled and said "well I guess I'm great at persuading people to become great cat owners.

I then asked out him "why is your friend so mean and harsh then he's kind,gentle and heroic"

"who Baji-san?" He asked "yes him that hansome boy with the mesmerizing smile" I said practicly blushing.

Chifuyu burst out laughing and responded " wow Y/N you two better sort out your priorities" "what do you mean" I said confused "it nothing forget it" Chifuyu said "what do you mean Matsuno tell me" I said trying to figure out what he was meaning.

He didn't want to tell me so bribed him " fine I'll give you give 50 bucks if you tell me what you mean" "No he replied "oh come on thats 5,749 yen, Do you even know what you could buy with that alot of manga's" Still no he replied smiling.

I spotted that Poindexter talking to F/N1 and F/N2 angrier than usual so I decided to raise the bribe "alright 200 bucks is my final offer and thats 23,004 yen" he gasp and replied "200 buck really you have that much on you" I replied "yeah one of the perks of being rich" he then replied "make it 250 and I'll tell you" I responded "Um okay Matsuno wow you play dirty" "hurry up before I change my mind" he retorted.

I gave him the 250 dollars which he quickly shoved in him pocket "he then said "Baji is Poindexter" I gasped when I heard what chifuyu said "please tell me your joking" I replied " your kidding right" I said still shock "No I'm not kidding if he found out I told you he'd kill me" Chifuyu said. I replied " so why did you tell me" Chifuyu then replied "you bribed me Do you know what I can do with this 250 bucks that's 28,762.50 yen" I laughed and replied "you sold out your friend for 250 dollars" he replied "yeah now you two will have a story to tell your future children" I blushed and responded "dont talk like that it's weird I'm still try to process all of this"