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I entered the classroom and sat down at my desk. I was thinking about daddy showing up at my school unannounced in a hurry. Then I remember what he suggested on the way to school.

I had a feeling that he probably tried to bribed Baji into testifying in court against The Kisaki's ."Speaking of the devil" Baji entered the classroom laughing hysterically with Kazutora and the other boys from Toman.

Baji and Kazutora sat next to me, eyeing each other. I had a bad feeling this was going to end up like the frog incident in science class so I moved away from them. I spotted Kazutora sniffing his armpits "Why did she move?Do I smell?, maybe it's you Baji" he said out looking at Baji.

Baji frowned at him and said "Maybe she doesn't want to sit next to someone who's hair looks like a fruit," This cause Mikey to laugh and say "your hair looks like ripe and rotten bananas" This cause Draken to laugh "Don't be mean Mikey" Draken said trying not to laugh even more.

I was trying to pay attention to the Math teacher but Baji keep throwing pieces of paper at me with poorly spelled messages written on them. "Y/N why did yiu movie,so yiu reely hat me" he wrote.

I ignored his ridiculous antics but he wasn't giving up, he waited until the Math teacher was distracted,Mitsuyu was sitting next to me and Baji decide to push Mitsuyu out of the chair. "Y/N I need to talk to you it's important" He said.

I replied "I don't wanna be seen talking to you,leave me alone Okay before Yuri notice and goes crazy" I leaned over to pick up my pen and out of nowhere Yuri threw a book at me but she missed and it hit Baji instead.

He looked at her angrily and was about to say something but the teacher cut him off yelling at Yuri "Throwing things across the Classroom? 1000 lines (I will not throw things at my classmates) and After-school Detention!!"

Yuri started arguing with the math teacher "She started it,She was flirting with my boyfriend" Yuri said pointing at me. Baji replied annoyed pinching the bridge of his nose "No she wasn't Yuri,are you nuts what's gotten into you" Kazutora replied making a dirty joke "your what's gotten into her" this cause the boys to laugh and the teacher to cringe and he said annoyed "See me after class Mr Hanemiya"

I was annoyed and I spent the rest off the class crying hiding my tears behind my Math Book but he noticed "Y/N I'm sorry" he said. The bell rang for second period.

I hurried to class but Kazutora stopped me "Hey gorgeous,why are you crying? he asked.I replied "I'm fine I'm not crying,now please If you don't mind I need to get to class" He stopped me again.

"Hey slow down princess,Why are you avoiding me? He asked. I replied confused "what? He replied back"why are avoiding me?, Do I smell? he said smelling himself. I giggled "No you don't" I said.

He replied "There's that adorable smile" He said chuckling. "So why are you avoiding me" he said smiling. "Because you are friends with Baji, I don't want to complicate things more than they already are" I said walking away.

He stopped me "Y/N please why would it complicate things, He has a girlfriend"

I smiled and replied "let's not risk it, I don't want conflict" he stopped me again "how about you meet me at the Toman hideout tonight or I can pick you up" he said smiling.

I replied "are you asking me out on date? " he replied "I don't know am I Y/N?,Yes I'm asking you on a date" he said I replied "Okay fine what time" he replied happily hugging me "great I'll pick you up at eight" I spotted Baji walking but he didn't see me.

I scurried away before he saw me and caught up with me. After many classes during the day I met up at lunch with Emma and my minions. "Hey Y/N I heard from the boys that Kazutora asked you out" Emma asked looking worried.