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I was finally in my nineth month of pregnancy and I was due any day now. My boyfriend and parents were very impatient as they kept pestering me to head to the E.R.

"I think you should head to the hospital early Doll I wanna meet my babies already" Baji said poking at my stomach as if urging my babies to come out. "Quit it, I'll wait until my water breaks" I said getting up as I left the living room heading to my bedroom to take a nap.

I got use to sleeping with a heavy belly and I kinda will miss having a baby bump. I got into bed and soon drifted asleep. I smiled as i felt Baji's arms around me as he kissed my forehead.

I woke up thirty minutes later to find him reading manga as he removed a strand of his hair from his face. I kissed him as he chuckled putting the book down. "Did you and the Babies have a good nap" he asked kissing me.

"Yes,now we're hungry" I said giggling. "Great, Me too that's why I ordered take out" he said smiling as I kissed him. We headed down stairs and sat on the couch as we waited for the food to arrive.

I heard the door bell ring and got up to answer it. "I'll get the door you grab the plates" I said. I opened the door and to my horror there stood Yuri and Kisaki both with guns.

I tried to lock the door but it was to late. They shot at me and missed shooting a glass bookcase as it shattered. I was running and I slipped on the glass as I blacked out.The last thing I heard was a thud and Baji and my parents voice.

~Time skip two hours later at the Hospital~

I woke up at the hospital in excruciating pain as tears ran down my eyes. My first thought went to my babies. I was scared and worried that the fall I had could be be fatal.

The doctor walked in and I immediately started crying ask about the condition of my babies. "What is happening to me? Are my babies Okay? Where are my parents? Where's is my boyfriend? I asked.

"Calm down young lady, everything is fine, you're okay, you just have a few minor injuries, your babies are fine, you're going into labour" He said as other doctors and nurses walked in.

"what? I want my boyfriend to be there" i said crying as I felt the contractions. "I'm in so much pain right now, I'm scared, I need my mom" I said crying. My parent, Baji and his mother entered the delivery room and he looked like he was about to faint.

"How are you Doll? Are you okay are our babies the okay? He asked worriedly."Your babies are fine they'll be out any hour now" The Doctor said."Are you Okay sweetheart? dad asked.

" Does it look like I'm okay? I said screaming in pain. "OK dear here comes another contraction were gonna need you to push" The nurse said."On a scale of one to ten, how bad is your pain Doll" Baji asked as I screamed with every push.

"fuck you Keisuke Baji, You did this to me, Why don't you come and find out for yourself" I said angrily screaming. He was in shock as he held my hand as I gripping it tightly as he kisses my forehead apologizing.

"I love you, I'm sorry Baby" he said. "You can apologize later you Fucker I'm trying get your babies out of me" I said. "You watch your mouth young lady" my mom said. I was to tired to answer as just kept pushing with every pain and contraction.

"I can see the baby's head just a few more pushes My dear" the doctor said. "Holy fuck!! Baji said looking at the baby's head before collapsing. "Um nurse can you please check if that young man is okay" the doctor said. A few moments later I heard my baby's cry for the first time.

I started crying as I held him. My parents and his mother were happy as they cried tears of joy. "You did great Doll" Baji said. "Says the one who fainted" I said jokingly. He chuckled as he smiled looking at our son. "He's beautiful Doll" he said.