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Y/N Pov:

I woke in a hospital room; scared,alone,confused and worried. I remember what happened and tear began to form in my eyes as flashbacks of Baji being shot replayed in my head.

I didn't know whether he was okay or not. I wanted to see him. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. My body was numb and even breathing hurts. They doctor walked in with my parents and I felt angry at them.

My father was the reason why we broke-up and if there was a chance that Baji wasn't alive,I would never forgive my parents. I began crying as warm tears fell from my eyes. "Is he Okay, where is he? I asked.

Dad sighed and replied "he's fine Y/N he's in the other hospital room" Dad said. "I want to see him, Jhe got hurt protecting us" I said crying. "We forbid you from seeing him and that's final" Dad said.

"Why? Is it because he's a Delinquent? or Is it because you two don't need him anymore to save your company's reputation from being exploited by Yuri's family, I won't stop seeing him and you can't stop me" I said in tears.

"Y/N were sorry, but we can't allow you to get hurt due to his Delinquent lifestyle" Mom said. "I love him, I'd rather die with the one I love than be unhappy, he's my ride or die" I said.

"What gotten into you Child? Is this how you want your life to be? Mom said yelling at me. "I love him, I don't care what you think" I said. "How Dare you Disrespect me, I brought you into this world and I can take you out" Mom said.

The Doctor told me to get some rest and told my parents not put stress on my recovery process. I fell asleep shortly after and was awoken an hour later by the doctor to take my medication.

I burst into tear and as I tried to swallow the hard hospital pills. I couldn't believe my parents would keep us apart. I felt scared and depressed. I was worried about him and I couldn't sleep.

I barely spoke to my parents and when I did, it alway end in an argument or me crying uncontrollably. My parents were fighting most of the time blaming each other for behavioural issues.


I woke up at that gloomy hospital room again and saw my mom crying. I felt sad that I put her through so much stress and pain of losing me. My mind quickly shifted to Y/N; was she okay, and if she was where was she.

"Where is my Girlfriend?, Why isn't she here? I asked. "Kei My Dear She's been shot, Yuri shot here, but she's fine now, if you both had gotten here a minute later you both could have died" Mom said.

"Where is she I want to see her? I said worried. "She's in the next hospital room" Mom said. "I have see her, I broke up with her Ma, I don't want her to be lonely, She's probably sad, I love her" I said.

"Her parents forbid you from seeing her Keisuke, I suggest you respect their wishes" Mom said. "Fine, Just tell I love her and I always will, and that I'm sorry" I said tearing up.

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay but I couldn't because her parents forbade me from seeing her.

Mom hugged me and the nurse walked in and gave me my medication. I fell asleep afterwards and woke up an hour later bored out of my mind as I thought about what Y/N must be doing right now.

Third Person:

Y/N's parents felt bad for keep her away from her boyfriend. She spent most of her time crying in the hospital room demanding to see him. She refused to take her medication and refuse to even sleep and when she did she would mostly cry herself to sleep.