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Y/N walk into her house three days ago in tears announcing the death of her Ex-boyfriend to her parents. They were shocked because he died trying to protect their daughter.

Y/N's father ran out of the house and called the boys mother. He found out that the boy didn't die but was just injuried severely. He was relieved to hear that but the woman told him not tell anyone that her son was alive.

Y/N's father didn't tell his daughter that Baji was still alive. No one knew the boy was still alive not even his friends. The only person that knew was his mother and Y/N's parents.

His mother wanted him to recover in peace. Y/N was in her room crying all night . She slept with the Pink giant plush bear Baji had won for her at the amusement park game and the photos they had took in photo booth at the amusement park.

She cried so much that she refused to leave her room. She was depressed worst than she was before. She went to school today and had gotten suspended for getting in a fight with Yuri and her friends because one of them said something horrible about Baji.

Y/N's parents felt bad for her. She was a mess and her personality completely changed from this upbeat funny mischievous girl to this sad helpless child that always crying at the drop of a hat.

Y/N's Parents got a call from Baji's mom telling them to tell Y/N that baji was alive and that he just woke up and he kept asking to see the her.


I woke up in this strange room with tons of white light and the room smelled like medicine. I then realized I was at the hospital.

I couldn't move. I was connected this large machine that made this annoying beeping noises, then I remembered what happened.

I was stabbed by Kazutora and I stabbed myself to stop Mikey from killing him. I thought about Y/N and how sad she might be feeling right now.

The doctor walked in and spoke "Good your awake, how do you feel? Are you in pain? He asked. I replied annoyed "I wanna get out of here" I said.

The doctor responded "sorry kid but you'll be in here for atleast a good 3-6 month depending on how quickly you heal, your lucky to be alive kid not many people survive deep stab wounds like those and live to tell the tale" he said looking at his note pad.

I replied "six month!! I can't be here for six months I've got school I can't be held back again" I said yelling.

The doctor said to me "well kid you should've have thought of that, before you stabbed yourself" he said. I replied "someone stabbed me first I didn't want to die at the hands of that person, so I tried to killed myself" I said.

Mom walk into room and burst in tears "My poor child, don't you ever something foolish like that again you hear me,thank heavens your okay and Happy birthday by the way" she said hugging me.

"I fine ma geez,you can stop hugging me now your suffocating me" I said annoyed. She replied "you need lots of bedrest Keisuke you need to recover" mom said.

The nurse brought in some food and suggested I eat something. I started eating as I thought of ways to escape this large hospital.

After eating, I got bored and read one of the hospital pamphlet as I sigh in boredom. My mom suggested I get some bed rest but I told her that I was fine and that I wanted to see friends but she said that they did know I was alive.

I was shocked when heard this. "What!! What do you mean? they don't know if I'm alive? So your saying right now they think I'm dead" I asked yelling.

She replied "Calm down keisuke, the doctor said you need to recover, we wasn't even sure you were gonna wake up" my mom said in tears.