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I has been five day since Y/N has stepped foot outside the house. She spent most of those days at home on her couch crying eating ice cream and watching movies and TV shows about heartbreak. Her parents tried everything to get her to attend school but to no avail.

They finally had enough of her antics and decided to call in her friends. "Y/N honey I understand your upset but please attend school" her mother said. "I can't!! I can't stand seeing him with her at school , I just can't" Y/N replied in tears.

Y/N's friends came over and met her sitting on the couch with a pint of ice cream in her lap. She looked like a trainwreck. Her hair was very untidy and as a result her eyelids were very Puffy from crying.

She was still dressed in her pajamas and It was past twelve. "omg Y/N you look terrible" F/N1 said. "Look at your hair it's a mess" F/N2 commented.

Y/N replied a crying mess "Get out of here! if you gonna continue to make fun of me, can't you I'm going through a break-up right now she said crying and sniffling.

F/N1 replied "we're not making fun of you, were worried about you" Y/N asked "Why did he break my heart?, was it all a game to him? She said crying.

F/N1 responded "Hey!! Stop it Y/N your getting all sad and worked up for guy? not even a guy...a boy you dated  for like two days? She said talking some sense into Y/N.

F/N2 replied annoyed "I'm tired girl, this is hopeless, that's it Y/N were confronting him, I'll get Chifuyu to meet up with him at that blue bridge across town this afternoon" F/N2 said crossing her arm.

Y/N replied "No!! I can't face him again, If I see him again I'll die" F/N1 responded "No you won't you big baby, so your going to stay here and be a heartbroken lovesick puppy?

Y/N said in tears " I can't look him in the eye, he broke my heart and played me for a fool" F/N2 replied "I can understand that Y/N, but in order to get over him, you have to find out Why he broke up with you? She said sitting down next to her friend.

Y/N replied "I can't talk to him, I'll die, lay down die like an old dog" She said being dramatic. The two girl sigh in frustration with their friend's childish behavior.

Y/N's Mother entered the living room rather annoyed "For heaven sakes, Y/N just listen to your friends for once, Your father and I have to go back to work,Do I have call the sanatorium to pick you up because your acting labotomy case" she said shouting at her daughter.

Y/N replied "I'd rather that,than having to confront you know who and it entirely you and Dads fault" she said sniffling and wiping her eyes.

Her mom replied "Don't use that toon with me Y/N it's not our fault the boy Cheated on you with his Ex girlfriend and that's prove why we forbid you from seeing him"

Y/N replied  "I'm not confronting him because you guys said to stay away from him so why do I have to listen to my friends? Y/N asked crying.

Y/N's mother retorted "if it means you'll attend school and leave this house and I'll have my life back so be it, you can see him again one last time" Y/N's mom said annoyed.

Y/N replied "I'm still not going to speak with him, he's a walking disaster" F/N1 laughed and said "Y/N but your crying over that so called walking disaster" Y/N replied "Because he broke my heart" She said crying.

F/N2 replied "I just texted Chifuyu, F/N1,Takimitchi, Chifuyu and I we will all be back two hours to pick you up to talk to Baji, and I swear Y/N if your not dressed I'll kill you" F/N2 said.

Y/N's mom responded "Don't worry girl's, I'll make sure she gets ready" Y/N's  mom said. Y/N replied sniffling "I'm still not going" and headed to her room.