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Y/N woke up at three in the morning and walk to the kitchen for a glass of milk. She couldn't sleep because of her frequent anxiety and nightmares. She heard about Toman's upcoming fight tonight with Mobius and somehow she feel responsible for it.

She started thinking about Baji and, why he came to her rescue the other night?, then she remembered what he said to her at school yesterday.

She promised herself she'd stay away from him and Yuri for the rest of this school semester. Y/N's thoughts were interrupted by a faint "meow" ,it was her new kitten. She didn't get chance to tell her parents about her new feline pet she brought without their permission but she was sure they'd understand.

Y/N took some milk out the fridge poured some into a glass and poured some into her cats pet bowl "here you go girl" Y/N said to the thirsty kitten. After drinking their milk Y/N picked up her kitten and head back to her room.

She didn't have school today due to her suspension so she stay in her room watching Anime and Online shopping for new cat toys for her pet kitten.


Today was the day of the war between Toman and Mobius and I couldn't sleep, due to the adrenaline rush of it. I was woken up by mom yelling at me to get ready for school.

I was leaving my house,when Yuri showed up. "Morning kei did you sleep well" she asked jumping on me. "Yes I did babe" I said giving her a kiss. Chifuyu was heading my way and when he saw Yuri he turned the other direction and left for school.

Yuri was dressed in something really revealing and her being on me wrapped in my arms made my mom give me the side eye look of suspicion and I had the feeling she was gonna give me the talk again.

I pretended not see my mom looking at us so I asked Yuri "what are you doing at my house this early" she responded "cant I visit my boyfriend before he goes to school" I smirked and kissed her.

Yuri's legs were wrapped around my waist and mom noticed and shouted at me "Stop trying to make me a grandmother and get to school" That caused Yuri and I to flinch and we left.

We were leave the apartment building and the elderly neighbors kept looking at us and whispering because Yuri was dressed very inappropriately.

We were stop by an old lady who told Yuri "you should dressed like a lady not like a cheap dollar bill Hocker" the elderly lady said causing the elderly men who were playing cards to laugh.

This cause Yuri to get upset and cry so I said to the elderly lady "You should mind your damn business,because the times have changed, and nobody give a ratsass about anyones opinion on beauty standards, what give you the right talk to my girlfriend like that you old prune"

The old lady was speechless and the other elderly lady said "you youngster don't have any respect for your elder's" I replied "we respect people that respect us you old-"

I was interrupted by my mom who caught me off guard and twist my ear and took off her shoe and demanded that I apologize to the old prune. "I did not raise you to talk back to your elders Keisuke apologize right now or else I'm not afraid to punish you in public or do you prefer for me to punish you all the way to school"

I was forced to apologize to the elderly lady and my mom rudely criticized Yuri chewing her out for not being daughter- in- law material and told her to leave.

She then told Yuri "And you young lady you should be ashamed of yourself and for bringing shame to your parents household, what will they do when they've heard that their daughter was at a boys house at seven am dressed like an escort,I did not raise my son to marry the neighborhood who're" mom said.