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After many classes today it was finally lunchtime. Emma and the girls kept pestering me with questions. "Omg Y/N when did you and Baji started dating?" F/N2 said with a wide smile.

I replied "This morning actually" Emma smiled and said "Baji Is really over protect protective you Y/N" F/N1 replied "yeah I guess that's why he beat the living hell out of Kazutora this morning" I was shocked by what she said.

I was going to say something but was interrupted by Baji sitting next to me. "Hey Doll missing me already?" He said kissing me.

I replied "yes but the food destracted me" I said stuffing my face with food. He chuckled and said "I bet the food isn't as handsome and good looking as me"

I replied "yeah but at least the food doesn't go around beating people" The girls laughed and he replied "I'm very possessive of you Doll, Your mine and I wanted the other guy to know that" he said with a mischievous grin.

I kissed him on the cheek and said "Yeah yeah I love you too but don't go around beating up people thats just crazy " he replied with a smirk "I'm Crazy for you Doll" he said grinning and gropping my thigh.

I removed his hand from my thigh and said "So your Crazy and perv too,goodbye" I said moving away from him.

He replied "Don't move away Doll,I just wanna love you" he said in a sad playful toon. Emma and the girls laughed and Emma commented "you two are so cute together"

He replied with a mischievous Smile "I know and we are going to have the cutest babies, right doll" I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

Later that day after school I met up with the girls and we went shopping for bit. After 2 hours of nonstop shopping and hanging out, the girls and I went home.

I arrived home and found my Dad angry and waiting at the door "where were you young lady? Dad asked. "Daddy I was only out with the girls" I replied. "why are you home late?,I said you are to head straight home afterschool Y/N" he said practically yelling.

I replied "daddy I forgot" Dad replied annoyed "You forgot that you were ground?" I nodded.

"I hope you weren't seeing that boy the tiger tattoo again" He said crossing his arms. I replied sniffling "No he broke up with me"

He replied "good he was trash anyway" dad said with annoyance. I replied "you didn't officially meet him,why are you calling him trash?"

Dad replied "I know trash when I see it and that boy was nothing but trouble, I don't want to see you throw away your future Y/N" he said in strict tone. I nodded and went to my room,because arguing with my Dad was pointless.

I agreed to go on a date with Baji tonight but I totally forgot that I was grounded."what am I going to do? I thought. I was about to step in the shower, when the house phone rang. "Hello this is Y/N speaking" I answered.

A familiar voice spoke"Hello doll are you ready for our date" Baji said. I was shocked and I responded "Baji? How did you get my house number?" He replied with a chuckle"I have my ways doll" I responded "are stalking me"

He replied "maybe doll but I wouldn't tell you would I" he said. I replied "I'm grounded I can't go on the date anymore" I said a bit disappointed. He replied "I'll be there in about 20 minutes Doll see you soon" he said hanging up.

I sighed and muttered "that boy is a stubborn hard headed fool" I said as I entered the Shower. About 20 minutes later my parents entered my room calling me. "Y/N Your boyfriend is here, hurry and get dress you don't want to keep him waiting" dad said.