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It was now 7pm, and I decided to get ready after taking a very long shower. My Parents were out tonight on a private business meeting thats all they told me. They left about an hour ago and told the maid to keep an eye on me.

I got dressed ,did my hair and Make-up and walked downstairs to the kitchen to feed my pet kitten because dad kept complaining about having to feed her when I'm out all the time.

The doorbell rang and one of our housekeeper answered it. "Ms Y/N there's a young gentleman here to see you" The housekeeper said. I walked into the living-room and found Baji waiting at the door.

I greeted him with a kiss."Hello Doll, I've missed you, how was school today? He asked hugging me. "It was pretty boring" I said wrapping my arm around his nape.

He kissed me and said "Well Doll I'm sorry you had a boring day without me" I told our housekeeper to tell my parents that I'll be back soon and not to worry.

We headed outside to where Baji's motorcycle was park and we drove off. "So where are we going? I asked. "You'll see Doll, it's a suprise" he said grinning. I clung unto him as we rode threw the streets while the wind blew through his long jetblack tickling my cheek.

I giggled causing him to look back at me. "Whats so funny Doll? He asked trying to focus on the road. I replied giggling "your hair it's tickling me" I said causing him to burst out laughing. "Sorry Doll, I didn't realize,Hang on were almost there" he said smiling.

We finally arrived to our destination. We were at an amusement park. "You like the suprise Doll? He asked grinning. I kissed him and replied "Yes it looks fun" He chuckled and said "let's check out the rides then" he said grinning.

We went on a few thrilling rides and then we got cotton candy from a food stand. We were about to go on more rides when Baji suggested he win me a plushy. "Come on Doll, it will be fun" he said grinning staring at the target.

I replied "im not gonna have you waste your pocket money on a stupid game prizes" I said. He replied "I won't because I'll win" he said with confidence grinning.

He won me a huge Pink teddy bear and said "I told you I'd win Doll" he said handing me the plush bear. I kissed him and said "I love you" He chuckled and replied "I love you too Doll, Till death do us part" he said with a warm smile.

We past a photobooth and decided to take a few pictures together before going on more amusement rides. "Are you sure this ride isn't scary? I asked him.

He replied smiling "of course not Doll" he said holding my hand on the rollercoaster ride line. We finally got on and I had a bad feeling about this.

He had a feral grin plastered on his face. The ride took off and I closed my eyes,everyone around us started screaming. I opened my eyes and eventually started screaming. "Isn't this ride fun Doll he asked grinning.

I replied still screaming "No it isn't, you adrenaline junkie!! He chuckled before looking at me "it almost over Doll just close your eyes" he said with a warm smile.

The rollercoaster finally stopped and I felt like I was gonna puke "I'm gonna throw up" I said before running to a trash can. "Are you okay doll? He asked concerned.

After about five minutes I replied "I'm fine, remind me not to let you pick the rollercoaster ride next time" I said with a frown. He chuckled and replied "I'm sorry Doll, I'll be more considerate next time. He said with a warm smile holding my hand.

We decided to sit on a bench and talk "So why did you decided to quit Toman? I asked concerned. He replied "I don't want to talk about that right now Doll" he said with a bit of frustration in his voice.