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I arrived at the party and was greeted by F/N2 and Chifuyu who were on a date. I spotted a few Toman guys drinking and lifting Mikey Cheering "TOMAN!! TOMAN!! TOMAN!!" Mikey got down and kissed senju causing sanzu to cheer with mucho.

I Smiled from a distance they looked so in love and good together. The party was kinda wild and out of control. I saw F/N1 making out with a ravened haired boy with a pompadour haircut from the Second Division.

Almost Everyone at the party had a date and that kinda made me feel kinda lonely. Chifuyu was flirting with F/N2 and she was a giggling mess. I was on my way to get some fruit punch when I notice some boys were laughing I had a feeling the punch juice was spiked so I didn't drink it. I saw Baji lifting Yuri on his shoulder Cheering as she giggle later making out with him.

He spotted me and smirked and continued kissing her. I was on my way to the bathroom when a girl bumped into me splashing red fruit punch all over my outfit "watch where your going slut" she said.

She was one of Yuri's friends, Yuri was laughing from a distance and said "Omg guys Y/N got her period at the party" this comment cause Baji and some other boys to laugh.

I could tell they were high because their eyes were red and a lot of smoke were coming from their direction. I picked up a bowl of punch and dunked it on the girl and said "there now were even slut"

Yuri then yelled "Y/N why are you even at this party? who invited you,your the only single person here" This cause the boys to make snarky comments. I replied "I know but your the only who're at the party"

This comment made Baji reply "Y/N for argument sakes just leave we don't want any trouble" Yuri started laughing and said "Yeah nobody wants you here" I replied "you have so much to say, you can't even throw hands so you hide behind your boyfriend"

This made her angry and she pick up a glass bottles and threw it it at me but she missed.I pick up a glass bottle and threw it at her and said "next time try not to miss" She was injured,shards of glass were on her face. She screamed in agonising pain.

Baji yelled "Someone call a damn ambulance she's got a huge shard of glass stuck in her eye" He looked at me with rage and pure hatred I rolled my eyes at him and I left the party.

Everyone was making mean comments towards me Draken was furious and yelled "Y/N what hell is you deal, ruining the after party?" But i knew he was drunk so I didn't say anything" Emma told him not to be so dramatic and Mikey was to busy making out with Senju to care. Chifuyu and F/N2 left due to the Drama. F/N1 left with her date a giggling mess.

I called my driver and went home crying and wheezing feeling terrible for what I did, but did I regret it no she deserved it.

I finally got home and as entered my house. My parents were waiting at the door "Y/N we heard someone got injured at the party thank God your okay" mom said hugging me.

I broke down crying feeling guilty "I threw a glass bottle at her she provoked me" I said confessing. Dad said "it gonna be okay we'll call our lawyers in the morning if she presses charges" I went to my room a crying mess. I started having a panick attack and my pet kitten crawl in my arms, it slowly calmed me down I fell asleep shortly after.


After the battle between Mobius the guys and I went on a joyride around Shibuya. I picked up Yuri and we went to the After party at the Ramen. The party was going great until some Juniors in my Division brought alcohol and weed. I scolded them for bringing it but hauled some weed for myself.

Later Y/N arrived looking pretty as always. I noticed Yuri's mood Change when she arrived. Y/N was greeted by Chifuyu and F/N2 she later felt like a third wheel and left them. I was having a good time I didn't drink because I had to ride my motorcycle home.

Y/N was grabbing some fruit punch when she notice it was spiked and looked at the bowl in disgust. I was so happy we won that the adrenaline rush kicked in and I started Cheering and lifting Yuri. She kissed me and I notice Y/N looking and I smirked.

She turned around heading to bathroom and one of Yuri's friends spilled red fruit punch on her outfit and said to her "watch where your going slut" Y/N was shock by this she was going reply but Yuri cut her off making a gross joke she said "Omg guys Y/N got her period at the party" This cause me and the boys to laugh we were high so we found anything funny.

Y/N picked the bowel of punch and splashed it all over Yuri's friend Tanaka and she said "there now were even slut" Yuri then said "Y/N why are you even at this party? who invited you,your the only single person here" This cause the boys to make snarky comments. Y/N replied "I know but your the only who're at the party"I was getting sick of the drama between the two of them.

I replied "Y/N for argument sakes just leave we don't want any trouble" Yuri started laughing and said "Yeah nobody wants you here" Y/N clapped back "talk is cheap, you have so much to say but you can't even throw hands so you hide behind your Dumb boyfriend" I was gonna say something but Yuri picked up a glass bottles and threw it at Y/N but she missed.

Y/N was furious she picked up a glass bottle and threw it at Yuri and said "next time try not to miss" Yuri got struck in the face and she started Crying and screaming out of control, She had a shard of glass stuck in her eye. She screamed in pain and I panicked because she had a big piece of glass stuck on the side of her eye.

I yelled "Someone call a damn ambulance she's got a huge shard of glass stuck in her eye"

I caught Y/N looking at me I was enraged why does she have to make me hate her. She rolled her and walked out of the ramen shop she looked like she was ready to cry everyone was making mean comments towards her even Draken said "Y/N what hell is you deal, ruining the after party?" He was super Drunk so that was the booze talking.

I was comforting Yuri and she said crying "I want her to pay for what she did I want to kill her" I kissed her and told her not to talk like that, but she was literally having a mental breakdown. "I I dont want to die" she said crying.

I replied "you not going to die so quite saying that babe" she smiled and said " I love you" I didn't reply because I didn't feel the same I felt kinda guilty.

The ambulance finally arrived and someone called the cops and I had a gut feeling it was Takimitchi. Everyone fled because we all were minors drinking and smoking which was illegal.

I called Yuri's parents and they said they'd rush to the hospital as soon as possible. I rode in the ambulance to the hospital with her because she was was scared and wanted me to stay with her. The paramedics rushed her to the emergency room and said relatives only.

Yuri's parents showed up and her old man started yelling at me telling me to stay away from their daughter. " your no good for our daughter because of you she got into a fight twice" he said.

I replied "its not my problem your daughter won't stay away me, whether you like it or not ,she addicted to me" I said bluntly. Her father responded in tears " You stay away from my innocent little girl" I replied "she not as innocent as she seems"I said smirking.

This cause her father to lunge at me screaming "what did you do to my daughter, I'll kill you little shit,you violated my Yuri" The nurse and the doctors thought he was crazy so they sedated him.

I left the hospital and texted Chifuyu to pick up because I left my bike at the ramen shop. About fifteen minute later I picked up my motorcycle and went home. I arrived home and mom was yelling at me for sneaking out while being grounded.

I was in a very bad mood so I didn't anything or else I might regret later. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas but I couldn't sleep. I started overthinking ,I love Y/N but I like Yuri, Yuri told me she loved me but I didn't say it back.

I started to fall asleep but I was awoken by Peke J jumping through my window chasing a mouse into my room.

This cause me to Yell and cause my mom to yell out "go to sleep Keisuke your throwing a temper trantrum at this hour" I Shook my head and took the mouse from Peke J and threw it out and gave that mischievous cat some food. I close the lights went to sleep.


Hey luvs its Lily here. I hope you enjoy this chapter I wrote.
I know my writing sucks,I love writing that's why I do it, Anyways enough about me, I hope you guys are well!! 💅🏾