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It's been two weeks since the accident happened at the Ramen shop. I was told by Emma that Yuri had to get a Huge Shard of glass removed from her eye and that there's a possibility she might go blind.

My parents said her family was filing a lawsuit against us. I felt terrible for getting my parents into this scandal this could destroy their reputation. I didn't go to school for an entire week I was to ashamed to face everyone. Dad forced me out of bed by dragging by my feet when that didn't work he threatened to deduct from my allowance.

I was getting ready for school when my parents said that they'd drop me to school instead of my driver today. I thought it was odd of them because they never rode in the same car together. I was very suspicious.

When we got in the car they started interrogating me,by asking about what happened a week ago at the party. "What did that girl do to provoke you to almost kill her" dad asked bluntly.

I replied "I only threw the bottle at her because she threw one at me first,It was self-defence" Dad said "tell it to the judge in court because her parents are sueing us asking for alot of money" I told my dad that we are only entitled to pay for her medical bills,and that Yuri has been very obsessed with me since elementary grade school.

My parent laughed in my face and mom said "your being very dramatic Y/N" I replied "She's been stalking,spying and hating on me since elementary grade school" I said practically crying.

Dad asked sarcastically "why is she's so obsessed with you Y/N" I replied "she wanted to be my friend back in elementary school, I was nice to her but then she kept asking me weird question about our wealth, so I cut her off, I don't want to be friends with people who only want to be my friend because I'm rich"

My mom said "you did good Y/N,Why would she care about how much you have? "I replied "I don't know!!, She's a creep,her crazy brother is a creep, Her whole family is filled with freaks, sickos and weirdo's"

Dad asked "what is Yuri's full name" I replied her full name is Yuri Kisaki, her brother was the one who orchestrated the plan to attack me" My Parents turned pale and dad asked "Do you think you can get that boy who saved you to testify against her brother we may have a chance at winning this case" I was scared when dad said that because I didn't want to face Baji or Yuri and her crazy family again.

I replied crying "I can't!!"Dad responded "and why not" I replied "because he's her boyfriend okay, he would never testify against her or her family even though he dislikes her brother"

Dad replied smiling "what if we paid him?" I had a bad feeling about this and I said to dad "he would never agree to that he loves her to much and he's very unpredictable" Dad replied raising his credit card "who wouldn't agree to ten thousand dollars"

I didn't say anything because once dad made up his mind about something serious nobody could change it. I arrived at school and got out of the car feeling anxious,as I was about to enter the gate I bump head first into the person I was trying to avoid.

"Well look who it is, The pretty little physco ,Trying to injure me too Y/N?" Baji said sarcastically smiling showing off his canines.

I started to panick "I'm so sorry, I'll be going now" I said trying hard not to cry in front of him. He grabbed my hand "wait what's wrong with you?,are you crying Y/N?" he asked looking rather concerned.

I replied "just leave me alone Baji,Your a walking disaster, please stay away from me" I said in tears "I don't want your girlfriend to cause more trouble for my family" he replied "Okay Y/N I'll stay away" he said walking away with his hands in his pocket looking dissapointed.