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It has been nearly 8 month since I found out that I was pregnant and every passing day has been a new challenge. My baby bump was really showing and the twins wasted no time to make my pregnancy difficult. The morning sickness became severe and not to mention the kangaroo kicks.

Today I slept in and thank heavens it was a Saturday and the day of the gender reveal party. I wanted to wait a little longer to plan it because I wanted to make sure there wasn't any complications during my pregnancy.

I've spent the past eight month of my pregnancy fearing that Yuri will come back and try to hurt me and my unborn babies again. My parents had to change the locks and my boyfriend usually slept over when I felt scared or feeling stressed but lately we've been on a break at least that's what I thought it was.

He's been avoiding me at school and I started to once again feel insecure seeing him talk to other girls while we're on a break. He promised me that he'd never cheat on me but lately I don't know if I should believe that. He probably now finds me unattractive and doesn't want anything to do with me.

We normally would be inseparable at school but lately he's been distant. We got into a fight a few weeks ago and he just left and said "I think we should just Co-parent" and hearing that broke my heart.I spent all week crying and he haven't been picking up my calls.

Today wasn't any different; I still felt sad and miserable having to go through this all alone, while he's out and about getting into fights hurting himself and flirting with girls. He got angry when I told him to stop getting into fights all the time ; He said that he wanted us take a break then it turned into breakup.

We barely spoke to each other at school. He was avoiding me and wouldn't pick up my calls and we he did, he'd be blunt or cold towards me. I bumped into him yesterday and he completely shut me down when I tried to talk to him. I left with tears in my eyes as he told me to go home and not to interfere with his after school life.

I woke up this morning feeling awful and way tired than before. I took a shower and got dressed into something comfortable as I stared at my visible baby bump. I felt my babies kicking as I rubbed my stomach "Good morning, mama's babies" i said rubbing my belly as i headed down stairs for breakfast. "Good morning Daddy" i said to my dad who was eating his french toast breakfast.

"Good morning Kiddo and future grandchildren" he said burry his face into the newspaper. My father rarely spoke to me and that kinda made me sad because we were very close before all of this happened. I rarely went out with my friends when they invited me anywhere. I felt like a burden to them; i felt like I'd only be an embarrassment if i was spotted hang with them.

No one at school knew that i was pregnant but i still felt alienated when i was out with my friends. I would just stay home with my head buried in my school studies, crying or sleeping. I headed to the kitchen and made myself some cereal before heading to the living-room to watch television.

My emotions got the best of me and I went upstairs to my room to call Baji again. I wanted to see him, I missed him so much that it hurts. He promised that he'd be here at the Gender reveal but I had a feeling that he blew me off.

I dialed his number and a girl answered his phone. She sounded like Victoria from our biology class. The girl who couldn't keep her eyes off of him."Hello it's Vick speaking, who is this? she said. My heart shattered as tears fell from my eyes. My voice began to break as I struggled to catch my breath. "I'm sorry wrong number" I said.

He answered the phone and he sounded pissed. "What do you want Y/N? I'm kinda busy right now" he said. "I'm sorry I called to find out if you were coming to the gender reveal, I just wanted to see you" i said as I choked on my tears. He sighed "I'm sorry but I can't make it" he said.

MESSING WITH POINDEXTER BAJI KEISUKE X Y\N  FEMALE READERDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora