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It has been three month so far since Baji had been stabbed and Y/N spent those past three months visiting him at the hospital and making sure he catches up with his school work.

She would visit him everyday before and after school. Today was a Saturday and she decided to make him a bento.

She really missed seeing him at school. She visited him at hospital and brought him the bento she had made. He was very happy to see her because seeing her cheerful face brought him joy.

"Hey Doll is that for me? he asked as she handed him the bento box. She smiled and replied "Of course it's for you silly, I thought you'd be sick of the boring hospital food so I made you a bento to cheer you up" she said kissing him.

He replied with a warm smile "thank's Doll, your the best I love you" he said kissing her. He had made a full recovery but seeing him laying in a hospital all alone made Y/N feel sorry for him.

He wasn't allowed to see his friend until he had fully recovered and Y/N could tell he was sad not being around them. She finally had enough decided to suprise him.

She made her parents talk to Baji mother about it and his mother finally agreed it was time to tell his friends that her son was alive and well. "So how is wounds? Are they finally healed" Y/N asked him.

He replied "Yeah Doll I'm fine" he responded sadly. Y/N opened the hospital room door and Mikey, draken, Takimitchi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya and some other Toman members entered the hospital room.

Baji's face lit up with joy and Happiness. "So are you okay, how did you survive that dude" Smiley asked. Chifuyu was crying tears of joy. "Baji-san you had us worried" Chifuyu said hugging his best friend.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again" Draken said hiding his tears. "I'm glad your okay buddy, we all missed you" Mikey said trying to hold back tears.

Takimitchi was a crying mess "You had us all sad and depressed, Mikey-kun went Crazy and beat up Kazutora-kun and wouldn't talk to anybody" Takimitchi said on a crying rant.

"Thank goodness you survived those deep stab wounds,You really are a stubborn bastard" Mitsuyu said hugging his friend.

The boys went on Chatting and Baji Completely forgot about Y/N being here. They all brought gifts and get well card as they talked about normal boy stuff. "I'm gonna leave now, your friends need to spend to time with you they really missed you" Y/N said kissing her boyfriend.

Baji smiled and replied "leaving so soon Doll" he said kissing her back. She replied " I promise I'll be back later on" she said kissing his forehead.

The boys all started making kissy noises at them causing Y/N to blush. Baji told them to shut up as he told his girlfriend good-bye "See you later doll, and thanks for suprise guest it really Cheered me up" he said to her as she left.

                             ~TIME SKIP A WEEK LATER~


Today after school I decided to visit Baji at the hospital but to my suprise when I got there the nurse said he had been released. I ran home and called him. "Hello Doll, Did you miss me? He said on the other line chuckling. "When did the hospital let you go home? I asked.

He replied cheerfully "About an hour ago, but I'm still bedridden by my mom,She still thinks my wounds haven't fully healed" he said chuckling.

I replied "So when will you be able to return to school? I asked getting my hopes up. He replied "soon Doll, pretty sooner than you think, I miss spending time with you Dollface" he said in flirty voice.