my hero challenge

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I was in my first mission it was me vs Dabi. Katsuki was with Deku and Todo. Dabi was trying to escape the police and I managed to get Dabi out of the truck.

"Tough for a little girl arent you?"

"I didnt train for nothing."

I said as I looked into his glowing blue eyes.

"You shouldn't play fire with fire little fire bird."

I growled as our two flames fought with each other.

"Some talk for a guy who is also fighting with fire!"

I grew my wings and jumped in the air and surrounded him with my feathers. He surrounded himself with a tornado. How did he do that his flames are so powerful. I flew at him leaving a trail of fire, I saw his hand rise up, at that moment I used my hand to send out a blasting flame to his hand.

"Heh cute..."

All at once it was like his whole body blasted me away with his blue flames.

"Grrr Dabi..."

I growled his name as I tried to get up from the ground. He sent flames towards me, I tired to counter it with my hands and wing attacks. He seemed to always be one step ahead of me. I felt like I was sweating.

"Hmmm now how do you know my name?"

He walked slow towards me. I got up and felt my feet on fire. I saw the ground his blue fire was all around me. With  a woosh of his hand the blue fire I was sent down again. I got up and grunted.

"You name gets around let say..."

I tried to attack him and gave him everything I had it was pretty even.. Untill his fire swerved and hit me on my arms I lost balance sending me to the floor again.

"It's pretty sad that you waste so much power like this. You are all attack and no defence. Reminds me of someone I helped  kidnapped awhile ago."


I blindly attacked with him with fire, he just stepped to the side and had a smile on his face. He still was just walking up to me.

" HA look at that even got his temper cute. So much potential like him to, now I also heard things about you. How if you use to much fire you pass out right? Don't make this to easy for me. I see your skin is white as the snow on a sunny day."

"You haven't won yet!"

He laughed and shook his head. He was getting close to me. I felt in danger and weak. No he will not win!

"Are you crazy? My guys already won and got away. You should have gone after them if you wanted to stop us. What did fighting me stop? Nothing just a distraction."

My eyes widened he was right what did I stop...

" This anymore is just us playing with fire like I said earlier."

I growled as he was face to face with me. I tried to back up he trapped me in a blue fire. It was so hot suffocating...

"We have been at this for what? Maybe almost a hour now? When will you admit defeat?"

Why can't I say anything I feel weak...I... I... My sight...

Dabi pov

And just like that she passed out. I should just leave her but she's got some fighting spirit in her... I'm sure the others won't mind if I recruit her. She can be our little spy of ours and I think I have an offer she can't refuse. Surly if I make her feel like she has no choice and will benefit her.

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