Your Hair

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Your sitting on the couch typing up a essay for class due in a few weeks.You were concentrated and focused on your work then feel someone's hand touch your 'hair'.

"Your hair is so soft baby."Harry said softly brushing it with his fingers.

You looked up at him and swated his hands.

"No Harry!"You scolded him.

"You can't just touch my hair...that's something you just can't touch!"You told him then looked back down at your laptop.


You came back home around ten since you were out all day getting your hair done.

"Woah Y/N did you cut your hair?"Liam asked you when you walked in.

"Na..I just changed my hair."You said simply as you ran your fingers through it.

"What do you mean you changed it...isn't cutting it the same thing?"He asked extremely confused.

"Nope..I took out my old extensions slash weave and got in these bad boys."

"What's weave?"He asked then reached over to touch your hair.

"Extensions baby extensions and don't touch it!It hurts and just never touch it!"You said sternly then walked off upstairs to change.


You and Louis were out shopping around. You asked him to take you to the hair store since you needed new hair for your friend's wedding coming up.

Louis gladly drove you to a local hair store and decided to go inside with you since he was curious about how you always changed your hair a lot.

"Hmm should I get some blue or red?"You asked Louis as you looked at the wall options of hair.

"I don't know blue sounds pretty cute though.Wow is this were you get your hair from?"He asked you.

You slowly nodded."Yup this is where I get 'my' luscious hair."

"Why don't you ever wear your real hair out?"He asked you then looked up at the packs of hair then back at you.

"It's too hard to take care of it's difficult but let's go."You said grabbing two packs of Brazilian hair then headed over to the register.


You and Zayn were in the bathroom together getting ready for a party at your best friend's house.

Zayn was besides you putting gel in his hair while you were busy straighting the sides of your hair.

"Babe could you do my hair for me?"You nervously asked him.

"Like the black please."You asked him as you handed him your flat iron.

"Don't take more than twelve seconds or else it's gonna burn "You said.

"Why would your hair burn?"He asked as he did your hair for you.

"Well for starters this is mixed with synthetic so it's likely going to burn."You said as you stood sideways so you could watch him do it.

"Oh okay...Y/N..what does synthetic mean?"He asked you.

"Horse hair now no more questions or else we'll be late."


You and Niall were at the backyard in the pool fooling around.You were laying on a chair besides the pool and Niall was busy swimming.

"Candy!COME JOIN ME!"He yelled since you had on headphones.

You sat up and shook your head."No Ni I can't get my weave wet sorry...unless you go get me a shower cap."

"I don't wanna...and can't you just dry up your hair?"asked.

"No because its not that simple."You said with a small sigh then got up.

"Why?"He asked as he watched you.

"Well I just can't get my hair's weave Ni ..bleach water won't be good for my hair."You explained to him but then jumped into the water anyways.

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