Your Child's Punishment(N)

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"Get your ass here now!"You shouted at your 13 year old daughter as you took off your slipper.

"Who told you that you were grown enough to be having boys over when I'm not home or your dad!"You continues yelling then pulled her by her arm then spanked her.

"Mommy no stop it!"She yelled trying to fight you off.

"Girl if you don't stay..."You were cut off by Niall walking in and stopping you.

"Y/N...what the hell!?"He yelled at you upset you were beating Y/D/N."I told you I don't like this kind of discipline."He said.

" Niall stop!This is how she'll learn...taking away all her things won't do anything..I've taken away everything and she's gotten worse..beating her is the only way I know."You said to him as you glared at her.

"What did she do?"He asked looking at her pointing upstairs to go to her room.

"This little girl was sitting here making out with some little boy trying to slip his hands up her shirt."You said very irritated and furious.

Niall bit his lip closing his eyes taking a deep breath."She's never going out ever again..I'm bolting her windows shut..she's not getting anymore allowence...she is G-R-O-U-N-D-E-D."He said taking a seat to process what to do.

"Same babe...same..let's talk to her in like 30 minutes.."You said calmly, sitting down next to your. husband to pray not beat this child some more.

Hey guys. This was just a draft I was looking over at and decided to post this up...I wrote it forever ago but I guess a little random update wouldnt hurt 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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