Daughter's First Period with Him

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Harry and your daughter were out dress shopping for her eight grade graduation.Y/D/N was. Currently changing in the dressing room while Harry was sitting there texting you.

"Um DAD!"Y/D/N yelled.

Harry looked up at her door."Yes love are you okay?"He asked concern from her yell.

"No I'm bleeding!"She said scared.

"Uh..what do you mean?Do you need a bandage?"He asked her.

"No I don't have a cut....I'm bleeding from my lady parts!I think I'm dying!"She cried as she threw the dressed she picked out, out of her dressing room and got on her shirt but not her jeans.

"Don't worry your not dying.Hold on and I'll get someone to help you."He said to her then got up and went to the lady at the register.

"Um excuse me...do you have and pads...my daughter sorta just got her period."He asked slightly embarrassed for asking for pads.

"I'm gonna die..I'm gonna die...I'm gonna die."Y/D/N kept repeating to herself.

"Yes I do sir...here."The lady said to Harry then handed him a pad.

"Thank you so much."He said quickly before going back over to Y/D/N.

"Here...wear this as like a bandage."He said as he slid the pad under the door giving it to her.


Niall was sitting on the couch watching golf.You were out at the mall shopping while your daughter was upstairs in her room having mood swings.

"Daddy!"Y/D/N yelled.

Niall had the volume up high so he heard nothing.

Y/D/N got up from bed and made her downstairs scared and angrily.

"Daddy!"She screamed to get Niall's attention.

"Y/D/N!Why are you yelling!?"Niall shouted back at her as he muted the TV.

"So-orry...I..I'm um bleeding..."She told him quietly.

Niall's eyes grew wide."What?!Now?After your mom left?"He groaned getting up.

"Okay come upstairs and follow me."He told her as he went upstairs and went to his and your room.

"That explains your attitude."He muttered as he looked for your pads.

"What explains my attitude?"Y/D/N asked softly.

"You just got your period."He said as he found them then handed them to you.

"What!?...oh now I get...I'm so stupid!Thanks daddy for the help...and sorry I was being a pain."She said as she took the pad then hugged Niall and ran out of the room to get her phone and call you.


Zayn was at home grilling some burgers for dinner while your daughters were busy swimming around in the pool.

You older daughter was swimming around when she all of a sudden started screaming."DAD!DADDY!THERE'S BLOOD...BLOOD!"She shouted.

Zayn luckily got the burgers off of the grill before the yelling.

"Blood?What's going on?"He asked as he walked over to the side of the pool and panicked."Oh my god!Are you dying?"He asked worried and unsure of what was going on with you.

"I'm gonna die!?"Y/D/N started crying worried as she got out of the water.

Zayn shook his head."No...I don't know...ugh let me call your mom she knows how to deal with this stuff."He said then ran over and grabbed his phone and called you.

After Zayn explained what just happened you laughed at him."Calm down it's just her period babe...go tell her to get a pad from our room."You told Zayn.

"Oh..."He said as he looked at Y/D/N.

"Daddy is she going to die?"You little eight year old daughter asked.

"No..she just got her period.Y/D/N...mommy said go get a pad from our room...your gonna be okay."He assured her.


Louis was out at his parents place with you daughter visiting.You were at work still so it was just him and her today hanging out.

Y/D/N was upstairs while Louis and his dad were downstairs on the couch drinking beer while watching TV.

Y/D/N came downstairs and walked up behind the couch tapping Louis' shoulder.

"Dad?"She started off.

"Yes love?"He said as he turned his head to look at her.

"I uh...got my period..and I need a pad.."She whispered.

"What!?Your period?!No..no!Your just 13!No!"He shouted.

Louis' dad gave him a look."Lou calm down and just get her a pad...I think your mom keeps them upstairs in the closet."He said.

Louis frowned."No...I..my baby is growing up!Oh god!"He cried.

Y/D/N cringed a bit."Dad calm down...and thanks grandpa..I'll go get it."She said giving him a kiss on the cheek then ran off and went upstairs to get herself a pad.


Liam was currently doing your daughter's hair since you went on a trip leaving him home with the kids.

Your daughter was sitting there in front of the mirror watching and waiting for Liam to finish up.

She got tired and started playing with her hands.She looked down at her white shorts and saw red..just all red.

"Dad I'm bleeding!Is my nose bleeding?!"She said as she felt around her face for any blood but didn't feel it.

She felt something slid out of her and gasped."My vagina!My vagina is bleeding!"She said as she looked up at him.

Liam placed down the flat iron her was using then chuckled at how innocent Y/D/N was.

"Relax..I think you just got your period babe."He said as he walked over to the bathroom closet and searches for something.

"Here...mommy uses these when he vagina bleeds..your just got you period baby girl."He laughed a bit at your first reaction.

"Oh..I didn't know."She said said as she took it from him."Could you um get out of my room so I can get this on?"She asked as she pushed him out of her bathroom then locked the door.

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