When Your Pregnant

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Vomiting.Harry usually never gets any sleep at night because of your constant vomiting and groaning.He's always up with you giving you medicine to help you ease up and go to sleep.

Emotional! Your the most emotional person ever.Niall really takes his time to talk to you because he doesn't want to say something to upset you then make you cry for hours.

Forgetful. Your always constantly forgetting things he tell you and stuff you do after four minutes.Zayn worries sometimes that you might forget you two are married.

Lazy.You never really get much done around the house since your pregnant and always make Louis work for you.Louis has no problem with the treatment but sometimes he just gets really annoyed by your constant demands.

Mood Swings. Liam tries his best to keep your mood swings under control by speaking to you calmly.Your really crazy so you can never keep calm.One minute your threatening him and throwing plates, the next your a happy pregnant lady singing and dancing around the house.

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