He Picks You Up From Jail

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(Surprise.... I didn't die...I forgot my password and stuff and stuff and yeah lol but I'm sorta back! Just read )


"Where is she officer?"You heard your boyfriend's voice in the distance.

"Wait here sir, she's gonna need to be on house arrest since she violated her probation."You parol officer said to Harry while getting you out of your holding cell.

"She threw a egg at my window so I ran into her car..
"You said for the eighth time.

"Y/N! Again!? We're gonna have another long talk when we get home."Harry said taking your hand and headed out.


You sat on the bench cracking your fingers wiping off your sweat from all the fighting and yelling you've been through the last 3 hours.

"Y/N? Oh thank god! Why!?"Niall shouted a bit at you upset.

"She threw a shoe at me so I ....attacked her."You said then looked at him.

"Where is she?"He asked.

"Hospital."You answered.

"So immature, we're going to go to the store and your gonna make her a 'I'm sorry I attacked you card' okay!?"He spoke then held open the door for you.


Your cell gate opened up and a police escorted you out to where Zayn stood with his arms folded and a frown plastered on his face.

"Hey...zaddy."You said trying to get him to lighten up.

"No, breaking his car wasn't nice okay? He may be your ex and all but that was just too much."He said to you then sighed quietly.

"Sorry...."You muttered then rolled you eyes walking out."Maybe your car next..."

"What was that!?"

"Oh nothing baby.."

"Babe seriously? A fight over a shirt and TV?"Liam said as he picked you up and took you home.

"Liam it was 50% off and she saw me put that stuff in my cart and took it! When it comes to Black Friday I don't play!"You told him.

"I still don't get you Americans and Black Friday?"He said as he shook his head laughing.

"Whatever, all I know is that I got the TV and the bitch got her ass whooped."You said simply then shrugged.


"Y/N! ARE YOU FUKING KIDDNG ME!"Louis shouted at you as soon as you were brought to him.

"Trashing a nail salon!?"He said turning red frustrated.

"Yep, the lady got some weird shit in my hair and then it started burning and stuff, not like fire but pain and I got pissed and started going and stuff and yeah I trashed the place and left."You explained to him touching the back of your head feeling a lack of hair.

"Still does you no right to do all of that.Just come on we're going home."He said.

One Direction Imagines (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora