Chapter Seventeen: The Rebel In Me

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(Y/n) went to bed disappointed over his actions towards Kate Marsh. He meant no harm towards her but only wished good intentions that easily went askew when she didn't reflect her feelings as he did to her. When he realised that she did not feel the same way towards him, (Y/n) was quick to flee her room and headed to his to burrow in shame. 

His roommate, Esteban, had shown concern for the brown-haired boy's sadness and managed to comfort him over his mistake. While Esteban was still attempting to establish himself in a relationship of his own, he too could empathise what (Y/n) was going through and took up the opportunity to show himself as a capable friend to (Y/n). 

It was a long and peaceful night in Arcadia Bay. Not even a rat stirred when the weekend finally came around to relieve the student occupancy at Blackwell Academy. There was slight rejoice that those who were fortunate to receive no homework or complete any studies could roam the Bay whereas those who were holed up in their dorms obediently gave David Madsen, head of Security at Blackwell Academy, a break from the disorderly teenagers. 


Sunlight broke through most of the curtains of Blackwell Academy, some of whom were allergic to the sunlight that ruined their sleeping in that cool Saturday morning. Particularly inside Room 231, (Y/n) Donohue had been having the most wonderful sleep until the sound of his phone alarm and the sunlight that lit up his room. The buzzing of his phone became so irritating that (Y/n) slapped his hand down on his phone to turn off his alarm. 

"7:30. Great. That means I got an hour and a half to kill." (Y/n) groaned. 

Rolling out of bed, (Y/n) sat up and rubbed his face with his hands. He noticed that Esteban had his initials, E.D, on a custom numberplate hung on the wall on his side of the room. (Y/n) thought that it was a nice touch as he picked out a few outfits that he would deem suitable for his date with Kate Marsh. It took a while to pick out decent clothes but eventually, (Y/n) simply went with blue jeans, a black leather jacket and a light grey Firewalk t-shirt. 

Now suited comfortably for his day out, (Y/n) occupied himself by working on his story-writing. Writing a story about cowboys was certainly not a favourable topic for common readers those days but it was something he found a lot of interest in. (Y/n) only hoped that people would like it. At his desk, (Y/n) stared down at his notebook and scribbled down his story progression without any stress knowing that Esteban knew full well of (Y/n)'s interest and was most supportive of it. 

(Y/n) was so heavily focused on his notebook that he didn't pick up on his roommate shuffling in his bed. Louder noises stole (Y/n)'s attention to Esteban who was just waking up after a long peaceful sleep. Any means of a peaceful morning were now ruined now that Esteban was awake, even more so now that he could get ready for a big day out playing dodgeball. 

Without looking over his shoulder, (Y/n) spoke up to his roommate. "I was wondering when your lazy-ass would wake up. You were snoring so loud, I swear I was half an impulse away from sticking one your socks in your mouth." 

"Me? Snore? I do not snore." Esteban disagreed with a sly grin. 

"I have proof. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty certain I have a few witnesses to add to this testimony. You're losing this case, buddy. Better pack your toothbrush and some clean underwear 'cause I think some of the boys will enjoy making you their bitch down in the boy's lockers before your big dodgebrawl game." 

The Mexican-born Blackwell student sat up groggily as the headache he woke up with subsided. (Y/n) had a general awareness of what Esteban got up to in his free time, especially being one to play sports with the jocks and athletic super-runners who would surely share a few drinks to celebrate the passing of their Personal Development, Health and Physical Education exams. 

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