Losses and Victories

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Hunter instantly turned tail and ran, the creatures following. He looked over his shoulder, spotted one of them about to land on a mound, and waved his hand in the general direction.

Flames shot out of the mound, causing the illusion to disappear.

Edric's mouth fell open. "How are you doing that?"

"Uh... magic?" Hunter said, doing jazz hands.

One of the other illusions stumbled on another. A gust of wind burst from it, tearing it apart---and sending Edric into the air.

After he landed, he pointed at Hunter. "Hey, I saw you that time! You didn't even use your hands? What are you getting at?"

"Not dying!" Hunter shouted back.

A third illusion pounced toward him, and he jumped back with a yelp. The illusion landed on another mound, sending a rock tower blasting its way up and making it vanish.

Edric stormed towards him, fire in his eyes. "How are you doing that?"

Hunter looked down with dread, seeing that he was about to step on a mound. "Wait!"

He paused.

"Don't step closer," Hunter told him, ignoring Eda's dumbstruck gaze. "Just---don't."

Edric's tone turned dangerous. "Why, Hunter? What happens if I step closer?"

Right on cue, King fell into the ring and landed on the mound.

Spikes shot out from the ground, but thankfully, all of the coven swag that King was wearing prevented him from actually getting hurt.

"Spikes?!" Hunter exclaimed, turning towards Eda.

Eda gave him a double thumbs-up.

"I knew it!" Edric shouted, stabbing a finger at Hunter. "You were cheating!"

Lilith stepped forward and tapped one of the spikes, causing it to vanish. "Oh, Eda," she sighed. "I do believe this means you lose."

"No!" Hunter ran over to Edric. "Ed, I swear to God, this was not my idea. I mean, yeah, I wanted to win, but---"

"Like I'd believe anything you say," Edric scoffed, turning around---and revealing something on the back of his neck.

"Wait just a minute there, Mr. Protege," Eda cut in, walking over and ripping it off.

Edric's hand flew to the back of his neck. "What the---"

All of his remaining illusions shrunk in size, flickering in and out of existence. The look on Edric's face was nothing if not pure horror.

Eda held it up. "A power glyph from the Construction Coven!"

Gasps rippled through the theater.

"YES!" Eda crowed, pumping her fists. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" She pointed at Lilith. "You cheated! Perfect, prissy Lilith cheated! Hot dang, I love Coventions!" She started to do a little victory dance.

"I only did that because I knew you would cheat!" Lilith exclaimed, face turning red.

"Still cheated!" Eda sang. "Welcome down to my level, Lily!"

Edric looked back and forth between them. "But I... I didn't know..."

Hunter took a cautious step forward. "Ed---"

He turned around and ran out of the theater.

"Hunter!" King cried. "Help me!"

Letting out a sigh, Hunter yanked King out of the coven swag, freeing him from the spikes.

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