(S2) Delusions

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Hunter glared at his notes on glyphs, starting to feel a little bit frustrated. He'd been attempting glyph combos ever since Eda and Lilith's discovery, but he couldn't really figure out this one—especially when he still wasn't entirely sure what each glyph completely represented. Right now, he was working on one for invisibility, which was probably going to be really useful.

"Hunter!" King bounded over and tugged on his pant leg. "I need your help! I think Francois is trying to start a rebellion!"

"Yeah, I doubt your rabbit plushie is gonna do anything," Hunter said, briefly looking up at the mound of stuffed animals on one of the couches. "Besides, I'm super close to figuring out this glyph combo."

King rolled his eyes. "It's always glyphs and portals with you these days. What about King?"

"If you're really worried, you could ask Lilith for help," he suggested. "She was in the Emperor's Coven, right? She's got more experience with unruly mobs than anyone."

The nerdy psycho in question was painting her own glyph combo onto a little sheet of paper, eyes wide. "Watching the ink dry is the best part!" she squealed under her breath.

Hooty stretched over and set a mug down next to her. "A fresh cup of tea for my favorite cup of tea! That's you, Lulu!"

Lilith gave him a smile, smoothing down her hair. "Oh, Hootsifer, you truly are a gem," she told him. "How do you always know what to do?"

"What's going on?" King stage-whispered. "Is Hooty blackmailing her?"

Hunter looked up. "Oh, I think they're actually friends. Last people I would've expected to bond, but I guess they both need someone to talk to." He finished the glyph combo and stood up in triumph. "All right, let's do this! Now you see me..."

He took a deep breath and held it to his chest, causing him to vanish. Lilith's head snapped up.

"Now you—" Hunter did a double take, realizing that he'd become visible again. "Oh. Guess it only works as long as I hold my breath. Still pretty nifty, though, right?"

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" King screeched, clinging onto his leg.

"Do that again!" Lilith exclaimed, getting to her feet. "However did you accomplish it?"

"Well, since you guys discovered we can make new spells by combining glyphs, I've been experimenting," Hunter answered, shaking King off. "I got the invisibility idea from your history books."

Lilith looked extra pleased at that. "Fascinating! As the lead historical scholar of the Emperor's Coven, my aid could be very helpful in—" She tripped over some of the stuffed animals with a yelp.

"An ambush!" King shouted, grabbing one and throwing it at Lilith. "Men, defend your ruler!"

Hooty shot out in front of Lilith, blocking it right before it hit her in the face.

"I'm done for, Lulu!" he said dramatically, flopping into her hands.

She raised an eyebrow. "Hootsifer, this is make-believe."

"Oh, to die in your arms! Avenge me!" Hooty made a mock-dead face.

King hit Lilith with a squeaky toy. "The king of demons yields to no one!"

"Historically, demons have never been united under a single rule until Belos," Lilith said matter-of-factly. "There's no such thing as a king of demons."

Cue another toy being thrown at her. "Blasphemy!" King declared. "Clearly you know nothing of my reign of terror! Allow me to tell you!"

Hunter, who had heard this story about twenty times, closed his glyph notebook with a sigh.

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