(S2) Sands of Time

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Eda opened the door to the Owl House to see Gwen on the other side, beaming at her. "Hello, witchlet!"

"Oh—hey, Ma." Eda stepped back, surprised. "Why are you still in town? Forget something from yesterday?"

She gave Eda a knowing look. "Your father wanted to swing by."

Father father father father

"Tell him I'm busy," Eda said instantly, backing away.

"Maybe you could tell him yourself?" Gwen offered. "He's just outside—"


King let out an excited gasp, rushing over. "I get to meet my grandpa?"

"Yes!" Gwen said cheerfully, kneeling down in front of him. "You know, the Clawthorne family was once well-known for their Palismen-making skills, and Dell? He was the best of them all!"

Eda used that as an opening, running back up to her room and slamming the door behind her. Thinking quickly, she started to shove her elixirs into a sack.

"Witchlet?" A knocking sounded at her door. "Aren't you going to say hello to your father? It's been—"

"Years! I know!" Eda shouted. "I'm just, uh, sharpening my tooth! Don't want Pops to see me all blech, you know?"

King clambered into the room via the balcony. "What's with you?" he hissed. "Why are you so terrified of seeing your dad?"

She scoffed. "It's not like I'm scared of him, I just—I just haven't seen him since I ruined his—I mean, since the Owl Beast ruined his—" She let out a growl. "I'm just not ready, okay? Now move it. I gotta scram."

Eda made her way to the balcony window, just in time for Hawksely to land on it with a screech.

She pulled down the shutter and tried the eye window, only to find Hooty on the other side.

"Hiya, Eda!" he hooted. "Your pops is such a nice guy! Say, how'd he get that scar on his—"

Eda slammed it shut, going into full-on panic mode.

"Hey! Hey, Eda! Look at this!" King held up Lilith's old dress and a navy-blue mop. "Dear sister, join the Emperor's Coven, and together, we can become goths!"

An idea started to form in Eda's mind.


After getting out of the time pool, finding a few hats to help blend in, and sneaking up to the town, Hunter and Lilith were ready to go.

"Now, Hunter, we are technically still in the Savage Ages," Lilith warned him in an undertone. "This is long before Belos banished wild magic. These denizens might be dangerous."

The two of them stepped into town, guards up. It wasn't long before they ran into another demon, causing Hunter to go into his defense stance.

"Good tidings, kind witches!" the demon said cheerfully, tipping his hat at both of them before walking away.

Lilith looked incredibly stunned, while Hunter started to feel more than a little bit smug.

In the present day, yes, Bonesborough was filled with witches who scammed each other, fought each other, or were just plain nasty. But in this era, everyone was nice and helpful towards one another, using their magic to give others a hand instead of pushing them down. There was even a tiny kid who managed to summon a full Abomination, then give it a flower crown.

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