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"Hello, I'm Scarlett."

What the hell...I look over at Robert and back to her. I shake my nerves and put my hand out to shake but she doesn't return. I smile awkwardly at her but receive the same stoic expression as when she walked in. Robert excuses himself for a second to tuck Avri into bed. Scarlett turns to me and anger radiates from her body.

"Who do you think you are holding my child? I don't even know you! What gives you the right to do that?" She starts berating me with questions and poking my chest.

In a state of bewilderment, I gently walk past Scarlett and lay Rose down on a couch in the foyer. I turn around to see Scarlett in complete shock that I just ignored her every word.

"I apologize. I didn't think that there would be a problem. Rose is a very smart three year old and she became attached to me pretty quickly today so I thought she was used to this with people. I wasn't even aware that you were her mother or else I would've been way more careful with her." I explain while looking down at my feet.

"Well, there is a problem. I don't know you at all, and I walk in and my daughter is asleep on your chest! It's weird and- Wait...what do you mean 'more careful'?" Scarlett takes some steps closer to me.

"Um...well..." I stutter trying to find the words to explain that I witnessed Rose fall out of the van.

"Look up and stop stuttering when you speak to me!" She whispers with authority. Damn...that was kind of hot. I calm myself and begin to tell her the story.

"Rose fell and scraped her knee today when I was helping get her out of the van," I explain, looking straight into Scarlett's piercing green eyes. I see a hint of enjoyment on her face from me following her demand.

Scarlett looks as if she could explode at this point, but before she could yell at me, Rose saves the day. "Y/N! Momma!" She runs to my leg and squeezes it and then runs off into her mother's arms.

"Hey Rose, did you have a good day with Uncle Robert?" Scarlett asks with a big smile on her face, as if she wasn't just cursing the ground I walk on five seconds ago. I stand and watch as Rose explains her day to Scarlett. She's such a good mom; my heart clenches at their interactions and I blush. My mind is pulled back into reality when Rose calls my name.

"Y/N has the sun on her arm momma, look!" Rose runs and jumps pointing to my arm tattoo." I watch Scarlett as she fights to smile at me for Rose. Scarlett tells Rose to go grab her backpack and Rose runs to the kitchen.

"Don't come near her again. I don't like unknown people around my daughter. I don't care who you're friends with." Scarlett says bitterly, as she reaches for the door. Rose bounds back into the room and grabs her mom's hand, but quickly pulls away. "Wait momma, can Y/N come with us?"

"No Rose, come on it's getting late."

Rose's cheeks start to turn red and I can tell she is about to start crying.

"Oh no no, no crying remember. You'll see me again soon. We can get ice cream. How about that sunshine?" I console her with her new nickname even though I know Scarlett will never let me around her again. I wipe Rose's tears away and give her a high five. I stand up and look at Scarlett, catching a glimpse of a surprise at how good I am with Rose before she frowns again and walks out to her car with Rose. I wave goodbye not realizing Robert came behind me to wave as well. They drive off into the night and my uber pulls up a few minutes later.

"Goodnight Robert. I'll see you soon." I bid my goodbyes to him as I walk to the car.

"You'll see me tomorrow! Anthony said you start training tomorrow morning! Nine AM!" He laughs at me knowing I hate waking up early on weekends. Of course, he would tell me this at the end of a long-ass day. What a great way to start making impressions on my new Marvel cast members.

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