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Scarlett's POV

Shit...I pissed her off. I didn't mean to make her that upset with me but I guess I did. Guess I didn't come across the best at our first meeting, but she had no right to be near Rose like that. At the same time, she looked so cute with Rose, and the whole way home Rose talked and talked about Y/N. I sit in frustration as my emotions on Y/N conflict with me.

"Momma...why did Y/N say all of that?" I turn to see Rose with tears streaming down her face as she holds one of the daycare worker's hands. Fuck...I didn't think she would hear all of that but the worker must've brought her out once she saw that I had left the main area.

"Oh love. Y/N didn't mean any of that. She was just upset with momma and needed to go home." I try to wipe her tears away but they just keep coming.

"I want to go see her and make her feel better!" Rose whines. I shake my head and tell her no and Rose drops to the floor and cries louder. I groan and text Robert for Y/N's address. I drag Rose out of the gym and towards the car. He sends it just as I buckle Rose into her car seat.

"Okay, Rose! Okay. We are going to Y/N's house right now." I run my hand through my hair and huff out in stress. "I have her phone anyways so she will be very happy if you give it to her." I smile at Rose and kiss her cheek. We head to Y/N's house and once we arrive I put the code in that Robert gave me for the gate. I feel like I could throw up right now, I'm so nervous.

Rose and I make it to the door and she has Y/N's phone in hand. I ring the doorbell and Rose yells for her as we wait for the door to open. I hear shuffling behind the door and it's soon opened revealing a tired Y/N with bloodshot eyes in only a sports bra and sweatpants. When she realizes it's me at the door, I can see the anger build up in her eyes, until she looks down.

"Y/N! We brought your phone back to you because my momma took it!" Rose exclaims happily as if she just won a treasure hunt.

Rose instantly brings a smile to Y/N's face. She bends down, grabs her phone, and thanks, Rose. Rose runs to her and wraps her arms around her neck. Y/N hesitates to hug her back and looks up at me for confirmation. I nod my head to tell her that it's okay.


After a long discussion with Rose about her day. Y/N invites us to stay for dinner, but still never once gives me attention.

As Y/N makes Rose's favorite dinner, Rose takes off to the living room to play with Y/N's cat; leaving us in awkward silence. I decide it can't hurt to try and speak to her so we can resolve this issue. I start to stare at her, admiring every feature possible. The way she bites her lip when she is holding back her words, her tan skin and the tattoos that are spaced all over her body, and her jawline is like--

"Johansson, take a picture it'll last longer." Y/N interrupts my daydreaming with humor. I blow it off and remember what I wanted to say.

"You mean a lot to her." I start while playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Too bad her mother hates me." Y/N bitterly responds without turning my way. Is that what she thinks of me?

"I don't hate you. Look...I'm sorry about how I've treated you since our first encounter. You probably had good intentions and it took me till now to realize that." I'm hoping that she forgives me. Y/N puts her spoon down and huffs out, then turns around to lean on the counter. It's so cute whenever she gets frustrated and can't make eye contact with me. I shake my head at the thought I just had. I can't think like that. I just started seeing someone.

"Ok. Do you know why I didn't want to work for Marvel? Or go back to acting? Or even why I left in the first place?" I shake my head, completely oblivious to the fact that she has ever been in the industry. "Why the hell did Robert not mention this to me!" I think to myself.

"Well coming out at eleven to a bunch of conservative Hollywood elites while on the most popular television show in the 2000s...wasn't ideal." She shakes her head, probably reminiscing on the treatment she received during that time. Y/N turns around and starts to finish dinner, and I help set the table while listening to the rest of her story.

"I was bullied in ways that mirror the treatment you've been giving me in just two days! Look, Scarlett, you seem like an amazing friend to some people, but maybe I'm just not one of them. That's okay. But, I just want to make this work experience as comfortable as possible. I've admired you since I was acting... I meant you work. Anyways um yea, I accept your apology and I hope that we can work towards being friends." I smile at her words and walk around to hug her.



It catches me by surprise that she is hugging me right now. I allow my body to relax into hers, Scarlett's head reaches right below my nose and I take a small sniff. She smells lovely, it's comforting to me. Before I can get another whiff she pulls away, but her scent lingers on my shirt.

"Rose dinners ready!" Tiny footsteps patter into the kitchen and run between my legs. Scarlett laughs as I almost fall because of Rose. I pick Rose up and put her into a chair, she immediately starts eating her pasta with a smile on her face. "Momma, don't you want your adult juice with your pasta?" I stop eating and look across the table at Scarlett and then to the wine cellar and back at Scarlett who nods her head. It takes everything in me to hold in my laugh as I get up and grab a bottle of wine from the cellar. I come back and pour a glass for Scarlett as she's in the middle of scolding Rose for her comment.

"Does your momma have adult juice a lot sunshine?" I smirk at Scarlett knowing the question is going to drive her crazy.

"Only wif Wizzie and momma's movie fwends come and when Colin come over!" I raise an eyebrow at the last part of Rose's explanation. 'Who the hell is Colin?' I wonder as a sense of jealously stirs through my body. Scarlett clears her throat to gain my attention back to our dinner. She's up to four glasses of wine at this point and I'm unsure of how safe it is for her to drive. After Rose mentioned Colin, she kind of went crazy with the wine.

"Um, Scar...maybe let's take it easy on the wine now huh?" I ask not even realizing that I called her by her nickname. Before she could respond Rose stand up in her chair to announce something, "Y/N. I'm tired. I wanna sleep."

Her loud voice has turned quiet and soft as she rubs her eyes and yawns, reaching for me to pick her up. I pick her up and take her upstairs to my room, with Scarlett close on my trail. Once she's tucked into bed, I close the door and sit in the living room with Scarlett. I look over to her sipping wine and grab the bottle quickly. "No more wine Scar," I whisper yell. She throws her head back exposing some markings on her neck and many piercings on her ears. Another wave of jealousy flows over me but I shake it off. As I put the bottle on the table, Scarlett tackles me to try and get it back. I pin her down to the couch and try to calm her down.

"Let me have more wine!" Scarlett groans while trying to get out of my reach. I try to calm myself down because her raspy voice is driving me crazy. I shake my head at her and slowly let go of her. Once she calms down there is a peaceful silence in the room as she drunkenly plays with the rings on my fingers.

"You're good with Rose. Nobody has ever clicked with her the way you do." I turn my head to look up at her. "Even Lizzie can't win her over that easily...and Lizzie well, she's Lizzie." Scarlett continues.

"Well, Rose is special. She's a good kid and is my favorite three-year-old I've come across during my twenty-seven years." Scarlett looks up at me and smiles softly at me. She gets up and I start to think that she is ready to go to bed. Instead, she pushes me back on the couch and straddles my lap, kissing me with lust.

"Scar..." I start and move my hands to her hips, but before I could finish she shoots up from my lap. I didn't even get a chance to kiss back. I'm in utter confusion at the expression on her face. I get up and reach for her hand but she snatches away.

"Don't...don't touch me. I shouldn't have done that. I'm dating Colin." Scarlett struggles to look me in the eyes as she moves awkwardly in front of me. "Can you get Rose so we can go?"

I stand up and shake my head, "No you're too intoxicated. But you can stay in my room with her tonight." We walk to my room and I hand her a t-shirt and sweatpants. I turn and walk out of the door, leaving her and Rose in my room. I settle in the living room in case one of them needs something. Upset isn't even the word to describe my emotions. What the hell happened tonight? Does she like me? Maybe we can talk tomorrow. I fall asleep feeling optimistic about tomorrow.


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