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"Do love Y/N?" Scarlett stares at Rose in the rearview mirror in shock.

She chuckles, "No Rose. Why would you think that?"


Scarlett's POV

This kid...she's lost her mind. Love Y/N? I mean do I like her? Yes. Is she my favorite person ever? Hell no. Where would she even get this idea?

"Becwause Momma." She huffs out before continuing her explanation. "You wear Y/N's shirt at nigh nigh time and you smell in it."

I roll my eyes and try to play it off. "No Rose. The shirt just is comfy and smells nice."

I look back at Rose and she's trying to cross her arms as best as she can and fails at rolling her eyes. "Whateter you say, Momma."

"It's 'whatever you say' Rose." This three-year-old and her mind baffle me every day. The rest of the ride is quiet; probably because both Rose and I are in our thoughts. We finally make it home and of course Rose wants me to carry her. Once inside I put her down and she runs up to her room.

I walk into my office and plop down on the couch. This whole Y/N thing is taking a toll on my mind. If only it was so easy to tell her how I feel...how that kiss felt. Before I could ponder on the kiss any longer, Rose's voice screeches through the intercoms. I forgot that we taught her how to use them when she turned three.

"Momma! Momma! Come to my room!" My motherly instincts kick in and I bolt up the stairs. What the hell did that child do now? If her cast is off I'll lose it. "Rose what is going on? I can't have five minutes of peace before you're bothering me again?"

I look up after ranting and see balloons and assortments of stuffed animals all around her. Next to the pile, there is a big card that reads, "Speedy Recovery Rose! Love your Marvel Family." I tear up at the thought that they would think to do something like this.

My attention is drawn to Rose who is packing her daycare bag with whatever clothes she can find. She sits with her arms crossed and a mean mug. "You mean momma! I want Y/N!"

I roll my eyes at her and sit down across from her. She tries to turn around so that she can't see me but fails.

"Rose. Look at me." I try to grab her hand and she pulls away.

"Rose, listen to me, Y/N isn't our family. She can't be here all the time. She isn't my friend."

"But she my friend momma." Rose begins to cry as she holds one of the stuffed animals gifted to her.

I sigh and pull her into my arms. This is messing with her; she can't understand adult problems so it's hard to explain why Y/N can't be around. I hate to hurt Rose but I don't know what else to do. I sit and rock her until she stops crying; then an idea comes to mind.

"Rose, how about I call Lizzie to come color and garden with us?" I ask, looking down at her playing with the stuffed animal. She nods her head and I pull out my phone to text Lizzie.

(Scarlett, Lizzie)

Hey Lizzie, Rose is super upset today and wants to know if you can come over for coloring and gardening? She says pretty please.

I can totally come over! Anything for Rose. I'll be there in 30.

Ugh so am I just chopped liver to the both of you?

Absolutely not! You know I love you too :)


I smile at her response and look back up at Rose who is still playing with the stuffed animals.

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