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Scarlett's POV

"Rose! Come on kiddo we've got to get this food to your uncle's in time for dinner."

"I'm coming momma!"

She comes out of her room with a green butterfly jumper with a tutu and sunflower sketchers. This is after she insisted she's a big girl who can dress herself.

"Rose...what's going on with this outfit honey?"

"Isn't it pretty momma?" She spins around in circles to show off the full look. I didn't even notice the mix match socks, one knee high and one ankle. Christ if she isn't her father's daughter.

"It is baby but I think you're gonna be uncomfortable later. How about those orange overalls Aunt Lizzie sent?"

She nods her head and I help her change into a more comfortable outfit. I'd love to let her go to dinner like that but in an hour I'll be hearing how she wants to go home and change. Plus the kids are doing crafts with some artist that Robert hired so it'll get messy.


An hour later...

"Dinner looks amazing!" Sharon exclaims as she waltzes into the dining room.

"There may not be any leftovers to take to the get together tomorrow." I say with a laugh.

Whenever we're filming during a holiday, we always spend the day after together drinking all night and eating leftovers we bring. Of course this year I'll be eating more than drinking since I can't.

"Momma! Look at my turkey." Rose runs up to me covered in glitter and tissue paper with a big smile. "Oh that looks amazing sunshine." (It did not.)

I love Rose but I'm not sure whether that's a turkey or a dying sun. Turns out the "hired artist" was just Y/N. We haven't spoke since yesterday...probably because I left my own birthday party early and didn't tell her. I was upset and I still kind of am, even though I kind of don't have a reason. I still am.

Speak of the devil...Y/N comes into the dining room followed by the rest of the kids. She helps them find their seats and then takes her own. "Alright and we're just waiting on one more person and then we can eat!"

Just before I can ask who we are waiting on. Lizzie makes her presence known in the doorway. "Happy Thanksgiving you guys. I brought some roasted veggies from my garden." I roll my eyes and put up a fake smile. I love Lizzie and nothing will ever change that but right now she's not my favorite person. I don't know why she's trying to pursue Y/N again but she needs to stop. Y/N is mine and these hormones make me more territorial than ever.

She places her bag on the floor next to her seat and sets the dish on the table. I find out very quickly that she's sitting next to Y/N and me. It's Robert at the head then Sharon to his left and then Rose then me at the other end mirroring Robert. Next to me is Lizzie, then Y/N, and then the rest of the kids follow.

As she takes a seat she kisses Y/N on her forehead and whispers something that makes Y/N giggle. "Let's eat everyone!" Robert says putting his hands up in the air. I help Rose with her plate and then make my own.


So far dinner is going fine. The kids ate pretty quick and then went to watch a movie in the living room, leaving just us adults. Everyone is enjoying Robert's wine collection while I'm enjoying my sixth sprite...yes sixth, don't judge me. Y/N has been drinking water all evening so I guess we're in the same boat. Elizabeth has been droning on about her upcoming indie film, I've been zoning in and out listening to the fire crackle.

I look up and immediately make eye contact with Y/N. She smiles at me and I smile back. "Excuse me I'm going to go check on the kiddos." Y/N says getting up quickly. I wait a few minutes and excuse myself to the bathroom. Y/N isn't even in the living room. Where is she?

I keep walking and go to open the bathroom at the end of the hall. Before I can open it Y/N opens it from the other side. Her eyes go wide when she sees me in the doorway. "What're you doing?" I raise an eyebrow and attempt to look over her. I forgot how tall she is.

Y/N blocks the doorway and tries to go back into the bathroom. "Nothing Scar, I'll be out in a little." My mind begins to race of all the possible things she could be doing. "Open the door right now Y/LN."

I hear her sigh and then she opens the door again. Before she can move herself I push her aside. The color drains from my face as I look at the scene before me. Tweezers bent and scissors broken in an attempt to open a pill box. Robert must've put locks on all of his medicine after her incident. Thank god they're working. "Y/N what's going on?"

"I...I need to go back. I'm not ready to be here. It's too much."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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