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Scarlett's POV

I walked into Robert's office to drop Rose off after he told me that there was someone available to watch her while I do a table read with him and Chris today. She's been throwing tantrums all morning, "for what?", I have no clue but it's driving me insane. I turn around after closing the door and face Lizzie and the one person I'd like to avoid.

"Scarlett! Oh my gosh, I've missed you! When did you get to LA?" Lizzie runs up to me and engulfs me in a big hug. I look behind Lizzie and see Y/N sitting awkwardly trying to avoid my eye contact. I hope to god this is not who Robert meant when he said, "a babysitter for Rose."

"Lizzie! It's been weeks, we have to hang out soon. A few months ago, I got back with Rose and have just been completely slammed with work."

"I don't know if you've heard but we've got a new cast member! Robert sent me here to meet with her today because she needed some advice. Scarlett, this is Y/N." Lizzie turns to introduce us without knowing we've already met, but before I can respond Rose runs into Y/N's arms.

"Hey, sunshine. Why have you been crying?" Y/N questions Rose while wiping her face of tears.

"Momma not take me to park." Rose whines and points at me. Y/N holds in a laugh and starts tickling her sides. Rose starts laughing as Y/N picks her up and sets her on her lap. Lizzie pulls my attention away while they continue their conversation.

"You both have met already?" Lizzie asks with a look of confusion on her face. I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh out. She is the last thing I wanted to discuss today.

"Yes um she is a family friend of Robert's and she helped babysit Rose and his kids a few weeks ago. I don't know her, we haven't spoken but Rose loves her." I lie, trying to avoid telling Lizzie that I kissed Y/N a few weeks ago. Lizzie nods contemplating what I just told her. I start to wonder what they were talking about before I came in here and decide to use it to sway the conversation.

"Hey, Lizzie, what were you two discussing before I came in here?" I keep my voice low so that I don't draw attention to the conversation.

Lizzie smirks before starting, "Um Y/N just needed advice because she's got a crush."

"There's this girl that she hasn't been around that much but I can tell that she genuinely likes her. Apparently, they had a moment and it didn't end well, she's just been beating herself up about it and just wanted advice from someone about it." Lizzie explains her and Y/N's discussion to me and I feel jealousy radiate through me. I try to shake away the feeling but it still lingers dimly in the back of my mind.

"Damn, that sucks for her. I hope that she can figure that out." I try my best to act sincere through gritted teeth but luckily Robert comes in asking for Lizzie and offers to take Rose to the nanny that just arrived; leaving just the two of us.



Fuck. I do not want to be left alone with her. I decide to get up and gather my things to leave. I can feel her eyes on me as I head for the door.

"Y/N wait. What's going on?" Scarlett grabs my hand and looks at me with pleading eyes. I snatch my hand away and throw my stuff onto the couch. I groan and start pacing around the room.

"It doesn't even concern you Scar... I mean Scarlett." I watch her eyebrows furrow out of frustration.

"Why were you talking to one of my best friends about what I fucking did!" There it is. The blow-up I was waiting for. I laugh and look down at my feet. She gets closer to me, grabs my chin, and moves her face closer to analyze my emotions. I pull my chin away from her and start to explain.

"I didn't know it would be Lizzie, I asked Robert but he sent her! I also didn't know you were besties with Lizzie. She doesn't know exactly who it is so it's not a big deal! It's not like you care anyway, like you said it was a mistake." I spit my words out at her which only seems to piss her off more.

"It was a mistake! I don't like you at all, not even as a friend. Everything that night was a mistake! I'm dating Colin. You shouldn't be speaking to my best friend about how you have a crush on me. You're so elementary. What the hell are you doing at almost thirty years old with a fucking crush? You're ridiculous." The minute she finishes screaming at me the realization of what she said hits her. I flinch at her words as my eyes are now on the verge of tears.

"Thanks for the clarification Scarlett but I can't control my feelings. I know how I feel and I know how to hold them in and let them go at some point. But you can't keep walking around acting like you didn't kiss me for a reason. Maybe take time to reflect on yourself and stop yelling at me. I'm done. Thank you. I'll stay out of your way." I put sunglasses over my eyes which are on the verge of tears as I mumble out my final word. I look at her and smile sadly. "Tell Rose that I'm sorry."

I walk out of the office and leave a note on Kevin's door that reads, "I quit~ Y/N Y/LN".

This isn't the place for me. I feel bad that I won't be able to see Rose anymore, she'll be distraught. I don't know Colin but I hope he is good for both of them. It hurts more that I still care so much for Scarlett even after the way she has treated me. I get into my car and speed off into the busy LA traffic.


I've been sitting in my bed for hours just crying. Crying over someone who doesn't even care about me. I feel my phone vibrate and roll over to answer it, "Hello?" I groan out.

I hear a beautiful voice on the other end and I can feel their smile. "Hi, it's Lizzie. I just wanted to check on you. Robert told me you quit..." I sigh and begin to explain to her what happened.

"I can talk to her if you want. Scarlett is usually very open to new cast members, I wonder what her problem is." I shake my head and sigh at Lizzie's offer. I know she means well but I don't want to associate myself with Scarlett anymore and I don't want to get in between their relationship.

"No. I don't want you to interfere with my problems, you've already done enough by giving me that great advice earlier. I just don't think Marvel is the place for me, I haven't made any friends and I don't make a good impression on people." I hear Lizzie laugh on the other end and confusion flushes throughout my being.

"What about me Y/N? I'd like to think after spending that time together that we are friends. You've made a great impression on me. Listen, how about we go to get coffee tomorrow morning and talk about this?" Lizzie's compliments bring a smile to my face and I agree to have coffee with her tomorrow.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow Y/LN. I will track you to your home if you don't show up."

I laugh at her determination and reassure her that I will make it tomorrow. "What are you now? My FBI agent?"

Lizzie once again breaks out in a fit of laughter and agrees that she is. Her laugh is contagious to me and brings a smile to my face. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to do this movie, but only if she's around.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow Agent Olsen." I roll onto my back and smile up at my ceiling as I feel my excitement for tomorrow grow.

"See you tomorrow Y/LN." The line goes dead and I get up out of bed so that I can get some work done today. That whole conversation, her energy, her voice, everything...just changed my mood.


Hey everyone! Remember to vote and comment ideas and suggestions! I'm open to anything. Have a safe and lovely day <3

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