chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

SuA went to the center to work as usual, she went to the coffee and cake shop near the center to have breakfast. In the past, sometimes JiU would come to have breakfast with her, or Dami, a friend of JiU's but over the years, is also very close to SuA.

But after that incident, SuA has no reason to play with JiU's friends anymore. For the past few years, she has been surrounded by JiU and the people in JiU’s influence, JiU is like a bridge, without JiU, she seems to have lost all her friends.

While enjoying breakfast alone with a glass of cool orange juice, SuA felt someone near, she looked up.

As a person who is not an employee of the art center.

It was the girl from the other day standing next to Handong, her boss's ex-lover.

But what's that girl’s name? SuA forgot.

- Hi SuA, I'm Lee Siyeon, remember? - Siyeon smiled friendly.

- Oh, hello Siyeon - SuA smiled back.

- Do you sit alone? Can I sit with you?

- Okay, please sit down - SuA gestured to the opposite chair.

Siyeon sat down with a cup of iced coffee. SuA thoughtfully looked at the other person from head to toe, basically she was tired from the previous meeting, so she couldn't look closely.

Lee Siyeon has a rather cold aura, but when she smiles, she has the opposite feeling, extremely cute. She has long black hair and flat bangs, eyes like a wild cat, quite like a Japanese, full dark red lips, long slender fingers. The style of dress is also very stylish, she is wearing gray jeans, a black turtleneck sweater, revealing half of her bust and seductive collarbones.

- Do you sit here every morning?

Siyeon's question awakened SuA from endless thoughts.

- Sometimes I have breakfast at home. And you, did you come to see Handong?

- Ah, um, that's right, but Dong hasn't come yet so I have to wait - Siyeon quickly made up an excuse.

- Do you two often meet in the morning? – SuA asked while eating.

- Not very often, but recently Chenle has more morning classes so we need to meet to discuss some things - Siyeon followed the story smoothly.

SuA nodded and smiled and then there were no more questions. Siyeon was happy in her heart, she was just passing by but found this person here, really lucky. For the past few days, she has been wandering around this area hoping to see SuA again, but she didn't meet SuA until today.

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