chapter 12

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Chapter 12.

On a fine evening, the bar Endless Night.

SuA sat drinking alone in the corner between the noisy and crowded space. She rarely goes to such crowded places alone, if she does, she usually goes with a group of friends. But now she is alone.

Indeed, Lee Siyeon is the only one she has, when Siyeon is no longer there, she is completely alone.

Dami is having a party at home so SuA has to stay at the hotel today. Dami keeps her promise not to reveal anything about SuA to her friends.

If someone found out, Kim SuA would have to find a hole to hide in, she felt so embarrassed.

No one ever gets violated for the same mistake twice, only Kim SuA.

It was foolish of her to let herself be entangled in such toxic relationships.

Once again her beloved father was right, he said that she was blind in love, and indeed, she was. She was blind so she couldn't see Lee Siyeon's promiscuous personality, when the two had a distance Siyeon  quickly had temporary pleasures.

Siyeon's excessive love, kindness and thoughtfulness made her completely blind. She had put her heart into trusting Siyeon absolutely without a doubt.

Maybe she should listen to her father Kim, love someone he accepts?

- May I sit here? – a beautiful girl smiling with SuA, wearing a black vest with deep mid-chest looks very attractive.

- You can sit anywhere, I'm not the owner of this bar - SuA carelessly replied, raising a glass to take a sip of wine, her words made the other girl laugh.

- My name is Kang Seulgi, what's your name? - The other girl sat down next to SuA.

- Kim SuA.

- Why are you sitting here alone, where are your friends?

- I do not have.

- You’re so beautiful but you do not have, is the world blind?

- No, I'm the one who's blind - said SuA emotionlessly. In the process of working, there are many people who want to be friends with her, but she is friendly with limits, she only considers those relationships as social, she does not want to be too close to anyone.

There were even many men and women who flirted with her, but she ignored it. She only considers JiU's friends as close friends, including Dami, because that's JiU's friend.

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