chapter 29 end

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Chapter 29.

When SuA entered the house, she saw Siyeon already sitting at the kitchen table.

- Baby you’re back - Siyeon approached and hugged SuA.

- …………. – SuA was surprised, hugged Siyeon back, and rubbed her back.

- Are you okay? Oh, did you drink alcohol?

- Yeah, I had a drink.

- I know what happened at DCC this morning.

- Huh? - SuA is surprised.

- Wendy has a friend who works in DCC, so she knew about it and told me, it's Solar, isn't she? she's toxic - Siyeon's voice grew louder.

- It's okay - SuA walked towards the dining table.

- Why do you look so calm? don't hold back, I'll go see Solar for revenge - Siyeon followed SuA and sat down next to her.

- No, you don't have to.

- She humiliated you in front of so many people, I can't let it go - Siyeon pitifully touched SuA's cheeks.

- No, forgive her.

- Huh?

- Solar accidentally saw us going on a date last night, she must have been very upset so she did, anyway, it's over.

- Baby, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with her. At first Solar asked me to have dinner with the reason that she wanted to help me, I thought she wanted to make our relationship better, so I agreed.

- Anyway, I also helped push you and Solar together, stop talking about this - SuA waved her hand and started eating dinner with chopsticks.

- Baby, does your cheek still hurt?

- No, now the only thing I need is you by my side - SuA kissed Siyeon's cheek and picked up a piece of chicken and ate it.

- I’m always by your side, you look so tired - Siyeon also started to eat dinner.

- Solar held an important position in the corporation and then suddenly left like that, so the work was a bit chaotic.

Siyeon felt pity, one hand she picked up the food into the bowl for SuA, the other hand rubbed her back, rubbed the nape of her neck, and massaged her.

- When you can arrange the work, let's go on a trip for a few days.

- Well, I can be free next week - SuA nodded.

The two continued their meal in peace and then went to sleep.


Some time later, Siyeon was drinking coffee with some SM colleagues when she accidentally met Solar who was also with the friends at the next table.

Because there is a partition between the tables that is higher than the head when sitting down, Solar can't see Siyeon.

Siyeon saw Solar when Solar entered this coffee shop, she had no reason to talk to Solar anymore so she pretended not to know, continuing the conversation with her colleagues.

But suddenly Siyeon heard the conversation of the next table mentioning her. She immediately quieted, raise her ear to listen.

- They're all toxic.

- You treat her well but she betrays you, it's stupid.

- It's all because of Kim SuA, being the CEO who stands above a thousand people, it must have become a habit, likes to control others, if she likes to push away, push, she likes to pull back, pull, and Siyeon is stupid to follow - Solar's voice hits the ear very clearly.

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