chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

In the corner of the pub, SuA and Yoohyeon stood talking, Siyeon waited at the table.

- SuA, are you okay these days? – Yoohyeon asked shyly.

- I'm fine, how's your face? – SuA is equally shy, her expected irritation has completely disappeared, because she is busy focusing on other things.

It was a fact that she didn't feel too sad about her and JiU's story while talking with Siyeon.

- It's okay, my face is fine, I deserve it - Yoohyeon waved her hand, the bruise from SuA's punch had hurt her all week.

- Why are you here?

- My brother is the owner of this pub, opening today, so everyone is here - Yoohyeon said while looking to the left.

SuA watched, and it turned out that JiU, Yoohyeon, Dami and the friends she knew were all here. They were sitting so far away from her desk that she could see them now.

- I suddenly saw you so I wanted to come over and say hello, I'm very sorry last time, I behaved too childishly, I shouldn't have done that in front of many people. Don't blame JiU, everything was created by me on my own initiative. I've been thinking about it all week and feel so sorry, SuA, I'm sorry – Yoohyeon said in a low voice, her expression so sincere.

- It's okay, it's over - SuA sighed, turning her face away, not looking at Yoohyeon.

She caught Siyeon's gaze directed at her, a look that looked so believable.

- I won't tell everyone that you're here, so take it easy, go back to the table, don't let that friend wait too long.

- Okay, thank you.

SuA returned to the table with Siyeon.

- Is everything okay? – Siyeon asked

- Yeah, it's fine.

SuA continued her meal with Siyeon, occasionally glancing over there, where her old friends were sitting, happily eating and talking.

- So that's your ex-fiancé? – Siyeon saw SuA's focus on the table behind them quite a distance away.

- ………… - SuA did not answer, continued to eat.

- That blonde girl, who's sitting next to the girl you just talked to?

SuA slightly dilated her pupils, surprised by Siyeon's precise observation. In this crowd full of people, just by looking at her, Siyeon can tell who she is looking at….

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