chapter 27

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Chapter 27.

Another short time passed, SuA lifted her head and woke up, she started to feel really hot. Her body was drenched in sweat and from drinking a lot of alcohol last night, she smelled like an owl now.

SuA saw that Siyeon had woken up, she shyly left Siyeon, sat back on the sofa kindly.

SuA rubbed her forehead, not daring to look at Siyeon, she went to get the remote to turn on the air conditioner and turned it on, then her eyes wandered to a certain point in the house.

- Singnie, I'm sorry, I must be crazy.

Siyeon sitting next to SuA didn't react, she didn't know what to say to this situation anymore.

- Maybe I'm drunk, that's why I acted like that, I'm so dirty, I'm going to take a shower - SuA tried to find an excuse to run away.

Siyeon casually put her hands on her head, legs crossed, watching Kim SuA rummage around picking up the skirt, underwear and jewelry from the floor and then running to the bathroom, looking extremely silly.

She still vividly remembers every word SuA said a few hours ago, SuA’s way of speaking was very vague, what did SuA really want?

And she knows that she will be bothered constantly by wandering thoughts, she needs to know clearly what is in SuA's heart, how SuA wants to care for her, she really wants to know.

Siyeon heard the sound of water flushing coming from the bathroom, she remembered the general look  ran away in a nude state of SuA just now and laughed.

- It's a toxic..

Siyeon also wanted to take a bath because she was also sweating a lot, but she had some work to do so she couldn't stay here any longer. If she went inside to bathe with SuA, she would probably spend another half day stuck here.

Siyeon put her clothes back on and left the house.

She went to SM to work and returned to Solar's house late at night, when she entered the house, she found Solar sitting in the living room and having a hearty meal on the kitchen table.

- I'll wait for you to come back for dinner - Solar said, going into the kitchen to warm up the food.

- I told you that I would be home late, did you wait until now? – Siyeon wrinkled her forehead, every time Solar shows the sincere concern, she feels extremely sad, because behind Solar’s back she secretly did toxic things.

- Yes, it's only for a few hours, I can't die - Solar laughed.

Two people have dinner together in a peaceful space.

- Are you free? I want to talk to you for a while - Siyeon started.

- I'm always free to spend time with you - Solar smiled.

Toxic - Suayeon fanfic FullOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora