chapter 24

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Chapter 24.

Solar's house.

Siyeon shared a room with Gahyeon, Solar in her own room.

Siyeon had a pretty good night's sleep after a week of sleepless nights because of her father. Lying next to Lee-Kim Gahyeon is like lying next to Kim SuA, because Gahyeon has a very similar facial expression to SuA.

She held Gahyeon tightly in her arms as if the baby would disappear if she let go. She put five parts of love for Gahyeon and five parts of love for SuA into this hug.

Maybe she needs to change from this moment, she should focus on love for her daughter only, to reduce suffering because of SuA. At least when she was in another dimension, she was able to reduce her own sense of anguish.

Solar is right, if she continues to sleep in her and SuA's bed, and continues to stay in their house, she will become more depressed, she needs to change her living space.

Siyeon actively bought a house to pull SuA back to Korea to live, she changed her own ownership to both co-owners so that SuA did not intend to leave in the future, but in the end it was Siyeon who left the house.

It's toxic.


Next morning.

SuA wakes up, she has a work schedule today, so she can't get up late even though she really wants to. Her mood was pretty bad last night.

She herself said that it was good for Solar to be with Siyeon, but now that Siyeon has moved in with Solar, it bothers her. She found it difficult to be consistent with her emotions internally.

When SuA was preparing breakfast, Siyeon came home, carrying Gahyeon who was still sleeping in her arms, and carrying Gahyeon's stroller into the house in the other.

- Hello, Singnie - SuA friendly opened.

Siyeon saw SuA's relaxed expression and she was afraid, a little disappointed in her heart, it seems that her move is not bad for SuA...

And this is understandable, why does she keep hoping in vain?

- When Gahyeon wakes up, remember to feed the baby - Siyeon said while carrying Gahyeon to her room.

When Siyeon came out, SuA invited her to have breakfast, SuA prepared two servings to put on the table. Siyeon sighed and sat down to eat.

There was silence for a while because neither of them knew what to say.

- Singnie….

- What's wrong?

- Let's arrange to go to Daegu together to visit mom Lee for two days.

- …………………….

- Mom is alone right now, so she really wants us and Gahyeon to go there often, she told me.

- When did mom tell you?

- Yesterday afternoon, I stopped by Daegu to see her for a while.

- ………….. – Siyeon was surprised because SuA returned to Daegu, turns out this is the reason SuA came back so late yesterday.

- ………….

- Okay, my work is not busy these days, it's up to you.

- Next month? - SuA suggested.

- Okay.

- As for me not coming back in time, I'm sorry - SuA continued.

- It's okay, it's important work - Siyeon avoids looking at SuA.

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