chapter 20

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Chapter 20.

There was tension in the lawyer's room.

- I am a lawyer on marriage and children's rights, because of my professional ethics, I never accept compromise a lawsuit easily, I always open negotiation conversations like this so that we can have a good deal the best outcome for both parties and especially the best for the child.

- …………….. – SuA and Siyeon listened attentively.

- Lee-Kim Gahyeon was born in Dallas, Texas, USA, Gahyeon's guardians are Lee Siyeon and Kim SuA. Since same-sex marriage has not been approved in Korea, there is no marriage document, but there is custody paperwork and Gahyeon's birth certificate has both names on it.

- ……………………

- Ms. Kim SuA said that she wants to gain full custody of Lee-Kim Gahyeon because many factors show that Ms. Lee Siyeon cannot take good care of the baby. You had immature thoughts and forced the baby to move too far, sitting on a plane for more than 20 hours while the baby was not yet a year old.

- Is there a good enough reason that I can't take good care of Gahyeon? Gahyeon after returning to Korea is completely healthy, the baby's health is very good. I work as a manager for celebrities, my job is to take care of other people, I have a 7-year-old adopted child, I'm too used to raising children, so I'm completely overqualified take care of this baby – Siyeon confidently said.

- Gahyeon is not yet a month of weaning and has to completely depend on breast milk, then she blatantly takes the baby out in the night unnecessarily, adults who fly for more than 20 hours like that still feel tired, of course a newborn baby will also be very tired. Should someone with such bad intentions be Gahyeon's guardian? – SuA replied, looking straight at lawyer Jo.

- Kim SuA is the CEO of a large corporation, her work is very busy and she tends to live negatively when under stress, it's really not good for Gahyeon, the fact that I brought the baby back to Korea is a big deal  necessary work, I pulled Gahyeon out of Kim SuA's negativity – Siyeon also didn't fit, spoke clearly.

- What do you want Lee Siyeon? Do you also want to take full custody of Gahyeon? - Jo Yuri asked.

- No, what I want is for Kim SuA to return home. The spacious house is now just me and Gahyeon. Gahyeon cannot be fully taken care of without one of us.

- Miss Kim, do you think you can take care of Lee-Kim Gahyeon by yourself alone? – Lawyer Jo turned to ask SuA.

- Of course not, she herself still needs someone to take care of, how can she manage everything on her own? Attorney Jo, would you mind tearing up the petition for me? – Siyeon said without hesitation, not letting SuA speak.

- …………….. – SuA was angry because she couldn't say anything.

- I thank you very much for calling me here, our family life is not too big of a problem, just a little misunderstanding.

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