chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

Another week passed, early in the morning.

President Kim invited SuA home to discuss business, she entered her childhood home with mixed emotions. Sometimes she came here to have dinner with her father, sometimes to talk about something, and most of the times she left in a bad mood.

The conversation between her and Chairman Kim is rarely peaceful, mostly arguing because of disagreement.

And she hopes this visit goes well.

- Have you read the news in the newspaper? – Kim Junsu sat in the living room with a cold face, next to an employee that SuA had never met.

- News? What's up? – SuA was bewildered.

- DCC is sued for using narcotics as an ingredient in the production of medicines - the employee next to him answered.

- What?

- Kim SuA, listen carefully, the time has come when you can't do what you want anymore. You have to return to the company to be the CEO - Chairman Kim said.

- It's ridiculous, the company was sued and I had to accept the position to handle this lawsuit? – SuA's face is unbelievable.

- Inspectors are checking DCC's entire factory, I will be detained for a while, the company has no head, you need to take my place.

- And one more thing, the media doesn't know about the fact that the only lady of the group is working in another industry, so we will announce Ms. Kim SuA as the CEO of the group. Let's say you have been in this position for a long time - said the employee.

- May I ask….who are you? – SuA is annoyed.

- Park Chanyeol, lawyer of DCC - Chairman Kim answered for him.

- Recently hire? – SuA felt uncomfortable, turned her face away and rubbed her temples.

- Ms. Kim SuA, the trial will take place in two weeks, you will be one of the witnesses, just answer simply that you don't know anything, you just did a good job in the corporation and say more about your close relationship with Chairman Kim - lawyer Park said.

- Close relationship? – SuA laughed.

- You just do what Chanyeol says, I've arranged it all, everything will be fine - said Chairman Kim.

- Tell them more about some of the president's good qualities, such as kindness, sincerity, loving you very much, doing clean business - Chanyeol continued.

- So in the end, did you do a clean business? – SuA asked directly, in her heart wanted to mock the opposite person.

Sincere, loving? So funny.

- Kim SuA, don't worry too much about this, just do what lawyer Park says - Chairman Kim waved his hand.

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