chapter 14

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Chapter 14.

- Cut, okay, everyone worked hard, thank you - director film, Mr.Baek gestured.

The entire crew bowed to each other and began to clean up the set. Wendy and Siyeon retreated to the makeup room.

- Finally done, tomorrow we have the day off, right? - Siyeon plopped down on the chair.

A whole month passed, she was busy without missing a day because Wendy was both filming and running music show. Sometimes when she had a little free time for an hour or two, she would immediately run to Dami's house, no matter how hungry she was or how sleepy she was, she still had to check SuA’s condition first.

But when she ran over, she couldn't find SuA anywhere. She secretly parked in front of Dami's house many times and every time she waited for about an hour, she still couldn't meet SuA.

SuA still goes to work normally so she will definitely go in and out of this house, but maybe when she comes out, Siyeon is not present.

Siyeon longed for a full day off to stay in front of Dami's house, she had to meet SuA.

She kept sneaking like that for the past month, she didn't have the courage to ring Dami's doorbell because she was quite scared of that girl. That face as cold as a gangster, if she upsets Dami, Dami will call the police to take her away.

- Yeah, take the day off, tomorrow I have to make up for it, sleep all day - Wendy yawned.

- ………….. – Siyeon was looking at her phone and doing something.

- Don't appear in front of me tomorrow, I'm enough just looking at your sad face - Wendy snorted.

- I don't have time to see you - Siyeon chuckled.

- It's the first time I see you so in love, the other person must be Miss World? - Wendy laughed.

- The CEO of that famous pharmaceutical company DCC, look it up online - Siyeon said one sentence and left the room.

Wendy curiously opened her phone to look for truth, after seeing a photo of a girl with pink hair, a petite figure wearing a pure white dress, a sharp pretty face, a very high nose, standing at the podium of  the stage said something at a DCC event. Wendy opened her mouth in admiration.

- Oh wow, that’s why you have been rejected but you still can't forget her - Wendy nodded.

Siyeon drove the car on duty in front of Dami's house, parked in a closed corner, she went to buy a lot of snacks to put in the car. This situation is not different from reporters who go out to spy on celebrities to get news, Siyeon is mentally ready to stay in the car for a whole day.

SuA said that she needed time, but what distressed Siyeon was that Siyeon didn't know how much time SuA specifically needed.

If her time was measured in years, Siyeon would have died early.

Siyeon couldn't be passive in this forever, she needed to pull SuA back to her side.

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